Motivational Monday Post 12

Motivational Monday Post 12

Happy Monday! I hope you are having a wonderful start to your week. My goal every Monday is to inspire you to think positively and be motivated for what lies ahead. Today’s Motivational Monday quote is about enjoying what you have in life, even though your life might...

Sunshine Blogger Award Nominee

Sunshine Blogger Award Nominee

I Am So Honored To Be Nominated For the SUNSHINE BLOGGER AWARD!!! What an honor as a new blogger to be recognized and nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Blogging has been an exciting new adventure for me over the past few months. I am new to blogging with my...

Motivational Monday 11: Difficult Roads

Motivational Monday 11: Difficult Roads

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut? Maybe you are in this season of your life when you feel like everywhere you turn there is a struggle up ahead. There are many obstacles in life, but that doesn’t mean your life is destined to fail. Rather, your difficulties and...

5 Important Black Friday Tips To Remember

5 Important Black Friday Tips To Remember

It’s Black Friday and you’re out and about, maybe all stressed and anxious trying to get that amazing deal on whatever item is at the top of your list. You have good intentions and are trying to save money, but it can be a challenge to stay within budget when there...

How To Save Money On Baby Food | VIDEO

How To Save Money On Baby Food | VIDEO

Buying baby food at the store is so expensive. If you are a mom or dad with a little baby in the home, you know the expenses can add up quickly! Baby food is one of those items that can quickly rack up your grocery bill.   Are you looking for a way to save money...

Motivational Monday 10: The Simple Things

Motivational Monday 10: The Simple Things

With the holiday season coming up, it’s great to focus on the simple things in life and not the material things. It’s not all about glitz and glam. It’s not all about technology and toys. The simple things in life are what bring joy. "Sometimes, the simplest things in...

How To Plan The Best Thanksgiving

How To Plan The Best Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  Is Thanksgiving a time for you to relax, unwind and enjoy some good home cooking? Or is it a time of stress and frustration where you feel like the pressure is on to make the ultimate side dish and the juiciest turkey? Do you...

Motivational Monday Post 9

Motivational Monday Post 9

We, moms, are never going to be perfect, and we should never strive to be. That is setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. "There is no way to be a perfect mother...but a million ways to be a good one." -Unknown Instead, try to take baby steps towards...

Motivational Monday Post 8

Motivational Monday Post 8

Do you ever feel like you are walking in one direction but maybe you should turn around and go the other way? You're just not sure which direction to go?   On occasion I have had those thoughts with the blog. This weekend I was thinking about the blog and...

Focused Friday: Reduce Stress During The Holidays

Focused Friday: Reduce Stress During The Holidays

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.   Now that we have reached November, some of you might be thinking about planning for Christmas. Today I will be encouraging your to stay focused on the joy of the holiday season...

Motivational Monday Post 7

Motivational Monday Post 7

“It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it." -Lou Holtz When I read this quote for today I think about different scenarios that have occurred in my life when I have complained about something. Did I have the right to complain? No, I surely did...

Focused Friday Post 6-Budgeting For Month End

Focused Friday Post 6-Budgeting For Month End

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.   The end of the month is coming and it’s a great time to get your budget ready for the start of the new month.   FOCUS FOR THIS FRIDAY: BUDGETING   I think this is a...

Motivational Monday: Raising Your Children Well

Motivational Monday: Raising Your Children Well

“If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, and half as much money.” -Abigail Van Buren   I absolutely love this quote so much. I just came across it recently and I thought “this is exactly how I want to live my life as a...

Focused Friday Post 5 – Focus On Your Spouse

Focused Friday Post 5 – Focus On Your Spouse

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here. Do you feel like your children suck up all your attention every moment they can? So much so that you don't have time for your husband? Wait, what about your husband? Don’t forget about...

7 Tips To Find Balance Between Your Work And Family

7 Tips To Find Balance Between Your Work And Family

Finding a balance between work and family is becoming more and more of a growing problem in today’s generation. Everyone seems to be very career driven, which is great. But family is still a priority in everyone’s lives. How do you find the perfect balance between the...


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Hi there, friend! I’m Jena, a mom of 4 and a Physical Therapist with a passion to motivate moms! I want to inspire you to be your best self by sharing my experiences and trusted advice on motherhood, health and fitness.

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Postpartum Ab Rehab by Dr. Jena Bradley