Want to learn how to get rid of the postpartum belly? Here you will discover 10 effective tips for a flat stomach after pregnancy.

how to get rid of the postpartum belly

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The postpartum belly is not meant to be there. It’s not of benefit to your health.

If you are wondering how to speed up the process of losing the pooch, how to get a flatter stomach after pregnancy, how to get rid of the postpartum tummy…if you are determined to have a strong core and a healthy body, then you’ll want to hear all about my top 10 tips for flattening the postpartum belly and gaining a stronger core.

We are going to dive deep into this topic so you can get rid of the pooch once and for all.

What Is A Postpartum Belly?


After having a baby, we as moms feel so overwhelmed with the responsibility of taking care of our baby on top of the responsibility of taking care of ourselves. And the number one thing that moms want to do after giving birth is to get rid of the baby weight, specifically the postpartum belly.

Wondering what the postpartum belly actually consists of? The postpartum belly varies in size and appearance among women and depends on factors such as the individual’s body composition, the number of pregnancies, genetics, and how well they have recovered from childbirth. The postpartum belly is characterized by a protruding abdomen and may also include loose skin, stretch marks, and a layer of subcutaneous fat.


How Long Does It Take To Get Rid Of The Postpartum Belly?


While you were pregnant you were comfortable gaining the weight, having your belly grow to the size of a watermelon because that’s expected. It’s normal. But when your baby is born, you probably had this high expectation that your postpartum belly needs to shrink back down to the way it used to be before getting pregnant. 

It’s an unrealistic expectation to have your postpartum belly become flat after childbirth, but it is definitely possible to get your stomach flat and strong again at some point in your postpartum recovery.

The time it takes to get rid of the postpartum belly can vary from woman to woman. It’s a natural and temporary condition which depends on various factors, including individual body composition, genetics, overall health and lifestyle choices. Some new moms can lose the postpartum belly as quickly as 4-6 months while others may take up to a year or longer.


Top 10 Tips For Losing The Postpartum Belly


I know you are eagerly wanting to get rid of the postpartum belly and get a flatter stomach. With each of my 4 pregnancies, my goal was to have my strong abs back again like they were in college.

There was some doubt that I could do it, but let me tell you, I did it! And I did it 4 times.

I lost the postpartum pooch 4 times, and I am confident you can, too.

Here are my top 10 tips for losing the postpartum belly after pregnancy.


1. Start with gentle exercise


Begin with postpartum exercises that focus on strengthening the core and pelvic floor muscles. Two examples are abdominal bracing and Kegels. Strong pelvic floor muscles contribute to better abdominal tone. Be sure to start with safe abdominal exercises and avoid crunches and sit ups early on. 

2. Wear a postpartum belly wrap

This is something you could proactively do Day 1 of your postpartum journey. I talk about the benefits of wearing a belly wrap here as well as what my favorite postpartum belly wrap brand is. 

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3. Engage in cardiovascular exercise


Incorporate aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, swimming, cycling, or dancing into your routine. Start with low-impact exercises and gradually increase the intensity as your body recovers.


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4. Drink lots of water


Water is like the oil that keeps the wheels turning smoothly. Hydration is essential for weight loss, helping digestion and suppressing your appetite. If you can press your skin and it doesn’t spring back quickly, you might be dehydrated. Aim for eight glasses a day.

5. Eat a balanced diet


Focus on consuming a well-balanced diet that includes lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. Avoid or limit processed foods, sugary snacks, and drinks, as they can contribute to weight gain. 

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6.   Practice portion control


Be mindful of your portion sizes to avoid overeating. Aim for smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism active – snack smart. 

7.   Breastfeeding 

If you are breastfeeding, it can help burn extra calories and assist in weight loss. However, keep in mind that breastfeeding alone may not eliminate the postpartum belly, and a combination of exercise and healthy eating is still necessary.

8.   Get enough sleep


Adequate sleep is crucial for weight management and overall well-being. It can help regulate hormones related to hunger and satiety, reducing cravings and aiding in weight loss.

9.   Manage stress


High stress levels can contribute to weight gain and hinder weight loss efforts. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as practicing relaxation techniques, engaging in hobbies, or seeking support from friends and family.

10. Be patient and consistent


Remember that it takes time for your body to recover from childbirth. Be patient with yourself and stay consistent with your exercise and dietary habits. Results may not come overnight, but with perseverance, you will see progress.

Postpartum Belly Be Gone, Confidence On!


I know losing the postpartum weight is hard, and getting strong abs is even harder. But I have made it simple and easy for moms to meet their postpartum fitness goals a lot faster through my program, Postpartum Abs Simplified.

When I lost my postpartum pooch, it really made me feel like a more confident mom, a more confident woman. I had energy; I had joy. I was excited to do things, and I was excited to talk to people. It’s crazy how just one part of our body can do that to our minds, but it’s true.


Get Started With Your First Postpartum Ab Workout

 When my pooch was gone and I started to see definition in my stomach muscles again, I felt like I was on top of the world. I could move easier when I was carrying my baby around, and life just got easier. I am a huge advocate for losing the postpartum belly sooner rather than later because I want you to enjoy your life as a mom with your baby, with more energy and “pep” in your step like I did. 

The core can do that for you. If you are ready to get started with your first postpartum ab workout, hop on over to my free training where I teach you how to get started with safe exercises. It’s super easy and only takes 2 minutes a day to start. Watch my training over at www.livecorestrong.com/class


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*It is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Always warm up thoroughly and stretch after all workouts. LiveCoreStrong.com and Jena Bradley will be not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

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