Read below as a doctor of physical therapy explains how postpartum belly wraps are worth wearing to help speed up postpartum recovery.

5 Benefits Of Wearing A Postpartum Belly Wrap

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Ever wonder if a postpartum belly wrap is worth it? Is it a hoax or do they actually work? 

As a physical therapist, I want to give you my honest opinion on whether or not postpartum belly wraps are worth your time and your investment. 

Here are five benefits from wearing a postpartum belly wrap during your postpartum recovery: 

1. Tactile Cues


Postpartum belly wraps are a perfect physical reminder to tighten your belly. 

Your postpartum belly wrap may start to feel uncomfortable or tight the longer you are wearing it. Use that as a reminder to draw in your belly and perform abdominal bracing exercises by tightening your core muscles.

What are abdominal bracing exercises? It’s the best beginner core exercise for moms that targets the deep inner transverse abdominis muscles that are beneath the “six pack”.

Postpartum belly wraps combined with bracing can be done while you are in various positions like standing, doing the dishes or sitting while you are nursing. 

Postpartum belly wraps act as an assistant to the natural contractions that take place in your uterus. The wrap speeds up the healing process. 

2. Assists With Uterine Contractions and Helps Your Uterus Return To Its Normal Size

Pregnancy proves just how amazing our bodies were designed. During this time, over a 9 month period, your uterus has stretched out several times its normal size. Then, after giving birth, it will naturally contract back down to nearly its original size.

Usually around the 6 week mark is when you go back for your postpartum check-up with your gynecologist. Your uterus should have healed, and the bleeding should have diminished (your doctor will check how well your uterus healed during your follow-up visit). 

The postpartum belly wrap is just another way to jumpstart the uterus to return to its smaller self and assist and contracting the uterus to it’s original size.  

Related: Postpartum Exercise: When To Start And How To Get A Flat Tummy

3. Abdominal Support and Posture


There’s no doubt that your body went through major changes throughout pregnancy. And now, after giving birth, you probably feel weak and stretched out. You may even have a condition called diastasis recti. 

Postpartum belly wraps will help stabilize your abdominal structure. This is important because you’ll want to avoid further straining your abdominal muscles while doing your daily activities such as sitting up in bed, twisting while getting out of the car, or simply picking up your newborn. 

Think of how scaffolding temporarily supports the construction work of a building. Postpartum belly wraps work in that same way. 

I highly recommend not relying solely on belly wraps for back support. In the long run, it will hinder your core strength due to your muscles relying on the support from the wrap instead of your muscles developing naturally. 

4. Self Confidence and Motivation 

There’s nothing like seeing visual results. Sure, we can feel better. But sometimes when other people see your results too, it’s a major boost of confidence. 

Postpartum belly wraps can give the appearance of a flatter belly leading you to be more motivated to keep working towards having stronger abs. It’s essentially a snowball effect. Once you see the first good result, you will likely gain a stronger urge to continue positive habits such as eating healthy and exercising. 

This does not mean you lose belly fat quickly, it just means your belly is shaped to be more flat and is squished together inside the belly wrap. It helps form your belly into a flattering look and, as a result, looks more flattering under your clothes.

Risks to Keep in Mind

OB/GYN Erica Newell at the Cleveland Clinic says there are some risks to keep in mind when it comes to postpartum belly wraps. “If you feel like it’s cutting off any sort of circulation, that would be reason to take it off.”

She adds, “I also usually recommend that people don’t keep it on for prolonged periods at night while they’re sleeping.”

Belly Bandit is the premier FDA Registered Medical Device brand in Maternity and Postpartum Support Products.

Their products are the most comfortable and seamless. I love how they look under my clothes, and people never noticed when I was wearing one. It was like a postpartum pooch eraser! No joke.

If you are ready to get a postpartum belly wrap, and I highly recommend you do, you can head over to the link for Belly Bandit here. I am an affiliate because I love all their products, especially their belly wraps. Their most popular wrap is the Luxe, but all their wraps work extremely effectively. It’s really up to you and your body type. If you ever have any questions, you can always contact me on my contacts page

Can’t wait to take the next baby step with you on this postpartum journey! Remember to live core strong! 

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.

*It is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Always warm up thoroughly and stretch after all workouts. and Jena Bradley will be not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

5 Benefits Of Wearing A Postpartum Belly Wrap

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