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We’ve all been there. You finally get a moment to yourself—maybe the baby’s down for a nap, or you’ve got a rare quiet minute. You sit down, grab your phone, and think, “I’ll just check Instagram real quick.”

Before you know it, 20 minutes have passed, and you’re still scrolling through endless photos of other people’s lives, while you’re left feeling… kinda empty. Sound familiar?

Believe me, I’ve done it too. There’s something about that mindless scrolling that feels like a break, but it never really helps, does it? It just leaves us feeling more drained, more tired, and less motivated.

But what if you swapped those 10-20 minutes of scrolling for a quick workout that actually gives your postpartum body and mind what they need? I promise, the shift will be so worth it. Let’s sweat more and scroll less!

woman waking up in the morning with sun shining

The Social Media Trap and Your Postpartum Body

Social media can be a slippery slope. You hop on just to check out a cute baby outfit or see what your friend from high school is up to, and suddenly you’re knee-deep in posts about the latest fitness trends, comparing yourself to people who seem to have it all together.

Meanwhile, you’re still in your pajamas from yesterday (and no judgment, because I’ve been there, too), trying to find the energy to take care of yourself after taking care of everyone else. It’s easy to feel like working out is just one more thing on the never-ending to-do list.

But here’s the thing—scrolling isn’t giving you the energy, strength, or confidence that you really want back in your postpartum body. That’s where moving your body comes in, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. Yes, mama, just 10 minutes is all you need to get started and see an impact.

Why Working Out Wins for Your Postpartum Body

Between feeding, diaper changes, and trying to grab a snack before the baby wakes up, squeezing in a workout might seem impossible. But what if you could use the time you’d spend scrolling to move? Even a short workout can do wonders for your postpartum body, your energy, and your mindset.

Here are 10 reasons why that quick workout will beat social media every single time:

woman waking up in the morning with sun shining

1. Boosts Your Mood Instantly

When you exercise, your body releases endorphins—those happy hormones that make you feel amazing. Scrolling on social media? That often leaves you comparing yourself to others, which can leave you feeling down. So, why not get those feel-good vibes from a workout instead?

2. Gives You More Energy for Your Day

Scrolling drains your energy, but moving your body GIVES you energy. Just a quick workout can leave you feeling more awake and ready to tackle the next thing on your to-do list—whether it’s chasing your toddler or tackling that laundry pile.

3. Helps You Get Closer to Your Fitness Goals

Spending time on social media won’t help you get your body back to where you want it to be, but those 10-minute workouts add up! Even a short, consistent workout routine will bring you closer to that pre-pregnancy strength, stamina, and confidence you’re aiming for.

woman waking up in the morning with sun shining

4. Strengthens Your Core and Prevents Pain

If you’re a postpartum mom, especially if you’ve had a C-section, rebuilding your core is KEY. Instead of sitting hunched over your phone, take those 10 minutes to work on your core strength and posture—your future self will thank you when you can move with ease and feel more comfortable in your body.

5. Sets a Healthy Example for Your Kids

Our kids watch everything we do. Swapping out that scrolling time for a workout not only benefits you, but it shows your little ones that prioritizing movement and health is part of your lifestyle. You’re creating healthy habits for them, too.

6. Improves Your Mental Focus

Ever noticed how zoning out on social media leaves your brain feeling fuzzy? Exercise, on the other hand, sharpens your focus. That mental clarity from a quick workout will help you handle the demands of mom life with more focus and less stress.

7. Takes Less Time Than You Think

Scrolling for 20 minutes feels like it happens in a blink, but guess what? You can get a full workout done in that same amount of time—or less! Imagine how much stronger, more energetic, and motivated you’ll feel by using those minutes wisely.

woman waking up in the morning with sun shining

 8. Builds Confidence

When you work out, you’re building more than just strength—you’re building confidence. Every time you finish a workout, no matter how short, you’re proving to yourself that you *can* do it. That sense of accomplishment is way more rewarding than anything you’ll get from a “like” or a comment.

9. Reduces Anxiety and Stress

Scrolling can sometimes lead to overwhelm—news, comparison, negativity. Exercise is a natural stress-reliever. It helps reduce anxiety and boosts your overall mood, making you feel more in control of your day and your emotions.

10. Makes You More Present for Your Family

When you work out, you’re not just taking care of yourself—you’re setting yourself up to be a more present, energized, and focused mom. It’s hard to be fully present with your family if you’re stuck in the social media loop, but those few minutes of movement will help you show up for the moments that matter.

Mama, Your Postpartum Body Deserves This

I know how easy it is to let the day slip away, feeling like you’ve barely done anything for you. We get so caught up in meeting everyone else’s needs that we forget our own postpartum body is calling out for attention, too. And I don’t mean long, grueling workouts or hours at the gym—just 10 minutes of moving your body can make a huge difference.

Imagine this: instead of feeling sluggish after scrolling, you feel strong. Instead of feeling guilty for losing track of time on your phone, you feel accomplished because you did something for yourself, for your body, and for your future health.

So, the next time you catch yourself reaching for your phone to scroll, take a second and ask yourself: “Can I use this time to move?” You’ll feel so much better if you do.

woman waking up in the morning with sun shining

Ready to Transform Your Postpartum Body?

If you’re tired of feeling like you never have time for a workout, but somehow always have time for your phone, this is the time to make the switch, mama. Let’s make the most of those little windows of time and start taking care of our bodies—because we deserve it.

If you are ready to tackle 10 minutes of strategic exercise every day as a postpartum mom and want to start with the core to begin getting rid of the baby weight, then I want to invite you into my program, Postpartum Ab Rehab. I walk you step-by-step into restoring your core strength after pregnancy in just 10 minutes a day.

Keep Smiling,


Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!

This free workshop is for you if you want to strengthen your core postpartum in just 2 minutes a day.

It will teach you how to get started with your first postpartum ab workout using the #1 physical therapy exercise recommended for new moms, which is the safest and quickest way to recovery!

Join our Facebook Community!

For Fitness-Focused Moms

-Accountability and Motivation-

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.

*It is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Always warm up thoroughly and stretch after all workouts. and Jena Bradley will be not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

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