How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

by Jan 2, 2019Family Fitness, Focused Friday, Uncategorized, What Wednesday10 comments

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Happy New Year!!! For the start of the New Year I want to really get you fired up for a whole new season in your life….2019 is going to be a year you won’t believe. It’s a year for you as a mom to be the best you can be.


I love New Years because it’s a point  in the calendar that is significant enough to get you to think about new beginnings, new resolutions, new habits and basically a new life-a life that you will be happy with and proud of when you are old.

A great quote to get you motivated:

“Do Something Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For”


Related: How To Best Incorporate Self-Care


If you look back to 2018 or even 2017, are you proud of what you accomplished over those years? Did you set a New Year’s resolution? If so, did you keep it? Did you accomplish it?


Don’t feel bad if you didn’t. Only 8 percent of people keep their New Years resolution.

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    It’s No Easy Task


    The closest I ever came to keeping a New Years resolution was back in High School I stopped drinking soda. I maintained that resolution all the way through my 7 years of college! I was pretty proud of that.


    Now, I occasionally have a drink of soda at special occasions and parties, and I no longer follow that old resolution as strictly as I once used to. However, it really did set some good habits in place in terms of my healthy food and drink choices.


    Let’s Call It A GOAL Instead Of A Resolution


    This year, for 2019, if you have a resolution in mind, I encourage you to not be so hard on yourself. Maybe instead of one strict resolution, which is pretty typical for our American culture, try setting some new goals that are obtainable for the year 2019.


    Write down 3-5 goals you think that are realistic for you and your lifestyle that you think by December 2019 you can accomplish them. Writing them down will give you more success at achieving your goals than if you did not write them down.


    “Vividly describing your goals in written form is strongly associated with goal success, and people who very vividly describe or picture their goals are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to successfully accomplish their goals.”Forbes


    To go along with writing your goals, find a motivational quote to be your mantra for the year.

     This is what mine is going to be:


    “No Matter How You Feel, Get Up, Dress Up, Show Up and Never Give up”


    I am going to make sure that I am not lazy.

    Even if I am tired, I am going to get up at 5 am and start my morning routine.


    Related: 5 Tips On How To Avoid Burnout

    I want to have some of my most accomplished work done early, uninterrupted, focused without distractions from the kids so that I can focus on myself.


    I will have devotions, pray, workout, shower, make myself look nice, put on a nice outfit, show up to my role as a mom with energy and enthusiasm.


    Work hard at doing my job to the best of my ability, and I will never give up. I won’t quit and I won’t complain and I will stay strong.


    I have a large job to fill as a wife and a mom of 4. It can be hard, and it is exhausting. It’s not always as easy as it may look from the outside, but I only have one amazing life to live, and I want to live it well.

    What about you?


    Are you inspired to be better at your job as a mom? Do you have ambitions and goals to raise your kids a certain way? Have you wanted to improve your overall health through better eating habits and exercise? Is there a desire to be more involved in your faith making it a bigger priority than what it has been?


    Take this moment in your life, the start of 2019, as a New Years jump-start to a New You!

    Instead of telling your family and friends what your New Year’s resolution is, tell them you have a New Years Life Plan. Explain to them you have new goals for this year, goals that are bigger and better than an itty-bitty resolution.



    Write them down. Put it somewhere where you will see it on a daily basis. I love the bathroom mirror. Just tape it to the corner somewhere so that it reminds you daily what you have your heart set out to do.

    Just imagine, come October, November or even December, you still have those goals hanging from your bathroom mirror, staring back at you, telling you to “keep at it”, “you got this”, “don’t give up”. We all need reminders. Your own thoughts, in written format, is what your heart is telling you to do and accomplish.

    This year is going to be different for you. I know this is the first year that you and I have come together via my blog, Live Core Strong. I hope that you can join me throughout the 2019 year (and beyond) to stay encouraged by my posts, emails, social media channels, videos and more.


    Join my community of subscribers by signing up now so you will never miss out on anything I post.

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      I am so happy to be coming alongside you to motivate and encourage you in whatever stage of life you are in. Just remember,

      “As long as you have passion, faith and are willing to work hard, you can do anything” – unknown

      Keep Smiling,

      Dr. Jena Bradley, DPT

      This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.


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      1. Lacy

        I love the quote, “do something today that your future self will thank you for.” What a great way to approach each day!

        • Jena Bradley

          Lacy, That quote is a favorite of mine!

      2. Niki at Toot's Mom is Tired

        I like the idea of calling it a goal and not a resolution. I feel like saying my New Year’s Resolution is… just makes me want to give up in a week. lol

        • Jena Bradley

          That’s funny, Niki! I just learned that most people give up their New Year’s resolutions by January 12th. So quick.

      3. Phill Slater

        Great advice. I particularly liked the idea of calling them ‘goals’ rather than ‘resolutions’.

      4. Michele

        I am a firm believer in “everything happens for a reason” I love your motivation and postive thinking!

        • Jena Bradley

          Michele, I’m so glad you enjoyed this post. Hope it helps you this year!


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