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As a postpartum mom, carving out time for yourself can seem like a daunting challenge, especially when it comes to prioritizing a workout. Juggling the needs of your new baby, handling household chores, and possibly transitioning back to work can make your fitness goals feel unattainable.

Yet, maintaining an active lifestyle is essential for both your physical and mental health. In this post, we’ll dive into the most effective strategies for squeezing in your workout, even when your schedule is packed.

With a little creativity and a bit of determination, you can seamlessly integrate exercise into your day, helping you feel more empowered, energized, and ready to embrace each moment. Ready to learn my 4 tips for fitting in a workout when your mom life is super busy? Let’s go!

woman waking up in the morning with sun shining

1. Only Do 5 Minutes of a Workout

When time is limited, committing to just five minutes of exercise can make a significant difference. These short bursts can be incredibly effective, especially when done consistently. Whether it’s a few sets of jumping jacks, countertop push-ups, or a quick yoga flow, five minutes of movement can boost your energy levels and set a positive tone for the day.

The key is consistency; those five minutes will add up over time, helping you gradually build strength and endurance without overwhelming your schedule.

2. Find Your Favorite Workout

Finding a workout you genuinely enjoy is crucial for maintaining a consistent exercise routine. Whether it’s dancing, yoga, pilates, or a brisk walk, choosing an activity you look forward to can transform exercise from a chore into a treat. Explore different types of workouts until you find one that excites you.

This not only makes it easier to stick with but also ensures that your workout time is something you can look forward to. When you enjoy the activity, you’re more likely to prioritize it and make it a regular part of your day, even amidst the demands of motherhood.

woman waking up in the morning with sun shining

3. Make It the Same Time of Day Every Day

Establishing a consistent time for your workout each day can help turn it into a habit. When exercise becomes part of your daily routine, it’s easier to stick with it. Choose a time that consistently works for you—whether it’s first thing in the morning, during your baby’s nap, or in the evening when your partner is home.

By setting a specific time, you create a structured routine that your body and mind can adapt to. This regularity not only makes it easier to remember but also helps in mentally preparing yourself for that dedicated time of self-care and physical activity.

4. Do It Before You Leave Your Room in the Morning If You Can

Starting your day with a quick workout before leaving your room can set a positive and energizing tone for the rest of the day. This approach eliminates the chances of other tasks or interruptions derailing your exercise plans. Simple morning stretches, a short yoga session, or a quick bodyweight routine can invigorate you and boost your mood.

By making this the first thing you do, you ensure that you’ve taken time for yourself before the day’s demands take over. This habit not only helps in maintaining consistency but also provides a sense of accomplishment and readiness to tackle whatever comes your way. Try substituting your morning coffee for a morning workout and see the difference.

woman waking up in the morning with sun shining

How To Work Out When You Have No Time

Incorporating exercise into your daily routine as a postpartum mom may seem challenging, but with the right strategies, it can become a rewarding and essential part of your life.

Remember, even small steps can lead to significant progress over time. Now that you have these practical tips in your back pocket, it’s time to take action and prioritize YOU.

To support you further on this journey, I invite you to sign up for my free workshop, Postpartum Abs 101: How To Safely Start Postpartum Ab Exercises in Less Than 2 Minutes A Day.

This workshop is designed to provide you with expert guidance and effective exercises to help you strengthen your core and reclaim your strength. Don’t wait—register now and take the first step towards a healthier, stronger you!

Keep Smiling,


Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!

This free workshop is for you if you want to strengthen your core postpartum in just 2 minutes a day.

It will teach you how to get started with your first postpartum ab workout using the #1 physical therapy exercise recommended for new moms, which is the safest and quickest way to recovery!

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For Fitness-Focused Moms

-Accountability and Motivation-

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.

*It is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Always warm up thoroughly and stretch after all workouts. and Jena Bradley will be not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

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