Join The 7-Day Strong Arms Workout Challenge. Within 7 days your arms will be toned and stronger than ever before.


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With the warmer weather approaching and short sleeves and tank tops hitting our daily wardrobe, it’s time to get our strong arms looking leaner and slimmer than ever. Just because you bought some weights doesn’t mean your arms are magically going to get skinnier. If you are ready to get serious about toning your arms and feeling more confident wearing sleeveless dresses, let’s start this 7 day strong arms workout challenge together. Continue reading to get all the details.

Oh, and the good news is, it only takes 7 minutes a day for 7 days to complete this strong arms workout challenge. 

I know it can be hard knowing which arm exercises to start with, how many reps and sets you should do and knowing if your hard effort will actually pay off. So that’s why I created this simple-to-follow, no-need-to-count 7 day workout challenge.


By the time you are done with this 7-Day Strong Arms Workout Challenge, you’ll have more confidence in your arms and in yourself, thus giving you the momentum to keep on working towards your fitness goals.

The key is commitment. Can you commit to 7 minutes a day for 7 days? I think you can. I have confidence in you. So let’s get started.

What You Need For The 7-Day Strong Arms Workout Challenge

Follow these 3 steps to get started with this challenge:

Step 1 is to download the 7-Day Strong Arms printable.



Step 2 is finding a spot in your home where you can have enough space to workout comfortably and store your gym equipment. Even if all you have is a set of dumbbells, keep them handy and in sight so you can return to them daily during this challenge. 

Step 3…get ready to sweat because that’s what happens when you work out and burn some calories.

Bonus step: get your phone and calendar set for 30 seconds because each interval lasts for that length of time. Or you can follow along with my workout video below.

What’s The Best Weekly Workout Plan?

One that you’ll actually do and complete in its entirety.

And I believe in finding the right workout plan that is perfectly challenging for you: not too hard and not too easy.

So if you are a beginner, I know this strong arms workout challenge will be a great starting point.

What You Need To Know Before You Start The Strong Arms Workout Challenge

Here’s what you need to know about this 7-Day Strong Arms Workout Challenge:

1. It is a challenge that lasts 7 days, so you need to challenge yourself to commit to 7 days of working out (this is just for your arms, by the way.)

2. Each day you will be doing 7 minutes of arm exercises.

3. There are 7 arm exercises in this challenge.

4. You will be doing each exercise for 30 seconds and then repeating the entire set a second time.

5. Each day you will be doing the same 7 exercises for the same amount of time

6. In order to challenge yourself and progress each move, you have to focus on increasing the intensity of each movement, increasing the ROM, increasing the resistance (weights) and increasing the speed in which you do each repetition (thus you will achieve more repetitions in a 30 second time frame).

Related: Beginner 30-Day Ab Workout Challenge + Calendar

Is This Arm Workout Safe For Pregnancy Or Postpartum Moms?

This 7-Day Strong Arm Workout Challenge is safe for women who are pregnant or postpartum. But it is important that you were cleared by your doctor before beginning exercise.

**Please note: I do NOT recommend this 7-Day Strong Arm Workout Challenge if you are new to exercise. Working out 7 days a week is not the recommended way to start a new fitness routine. This 7 day workout challenge is for those who are already exposed to fitness related activity.

Also, exercise #3 should be skipped or modified if you are pregnant. More details below. 

1. Elevated Bicep Curls

While standing, raise arms straight out in front of you while holding weights. Elbows should be extended and palms facing up in this position.

Begin to bend your elbows and bring your hands towards your face as you perform a bicep curl with your arms elevated in front of you. Slowly extend and straighten your elbows and return to starting position. 

2. Shoulder Press Pulses

Start by standing with feet shoulder-width apart and hold the dumbbells at shoulder height with your elbows at a 90-degree angle.

Next you will slowly lift the dumbbells above your head without fully straightening your arms. Pause at the top and then slowly bring your arms back down halfway (never return backing to the starting position).

This little movement is what is called the pulse. Continue to pulse in this short range of motion throughout the entire exercise. 

3. 1/2 Cobra Push-Up

Lie on your belly with your hands placed on the floor beside your shoulders. With your head faced down and your elbows tucked in close to your sides, begin to slowly push up so your chest comes off the floor. You only need to push up halfway so your elbows will never fully extend. Then return back down to the starting position and repeat.


**Note: if you are pregnant, please skip this exercise or perform a wall push-up instead. Another option is to join the 10-Day Total Body Workout Challenge instead. This workout challenge is completely safe for pregnant and postpartum moms. 

Related: 10-Day Total Body Transformation Challenge

4. Skull Crushers

Start by lying on the floor or on a bench. Hold the dumbbell with both hands above your chest, straight up, keeping elbows straight. This is the starting position.

Next, begin to move the weight down toward the back of your head by bending your elbows.

Be sure to keep your shoulder in the same position but only move the elbow joint during this exercise. 

Then, begin to reverse the movement until the weight is held above the chest in the starting position again. 

5. Walnut Crushers

While standing, position your arms up as if you are about to do a shoulder press. Arms are up at shoulder height with your elbows at a 90-degree angle. 

Once in this position, you will focus on extending your shoulder joint back by squeezing your two shoulder blades together as if you are “crushing a walnut”. Perform back and forth movements as if you are pulsing your shoulder blades to come together. 

Related: 7 Minute Ab Challenge For Beginners


6. Robot Arms

In the same position as the Walnut Crushers, stand with feet hip-width apart and position arms up as to shoulder height with your elbows at a 90 degree angle. 

With your palms facing away from you, drop your hands down while maintaining the position of your shoulders and elbows. Next, return your hands back up to starting position, but move past the starting position as far as you can so your hands are going behind you. 

7. Double Bicep Curls

Start by standing with a dumbbell in each hand. Your elbows should be positioned at your sides and your forearms should extend out in front of your body.

Next, bring the dumbbells up to your shoulders by bending your elbows. Once at the top, you will then slowly lower halfway down and then return back to the top position. This is the 1/2 curl.

Then you will extend your elbows back down to the starting position and curl all the way up and bring it all the way down. That is the full curl. 

Continue to repeat the two by alternating between a 1/2 curl and a full bicep curl.

Beginner 7-Day Strong Arms Workout Challenge Recap 

Here’s the recap:

  • Length: 7-Minutes
  • Equipment: none (optional yoga mat)
  • Format: Timed 30 second intervals 
  • Focus Area: Arms (biceps, triceps, shoulder, upper back)
  • Pregnancy-Friendly? Yes, but get clearance from your doctor first and skip the 1/2 cobra exercise or modify it to a wall push-up instead. 
  • Postpartum-Friendly: Yes, but not as your first postpartum workout. Take the 10-Day Total Body Workout Challenge instead. 

Now that you learned how to do each exercise in this 7-Day Strong Arms Workout Challenge, I want you to share your daily workouts with me by tagging @livecorestrong on social.

I can’t wait to cheer you on as you complete each day of the challenge!

Want more 7 day challenges? Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to get announcements for the next challenge: 7 Day Lean Legs Challenge. 

What goes great with the 7-Day Strong Arms Workout Challenge is the 7-Day Ab Challenge for Beginners. See what exercises are in the 7-Day Ab Challenge here. 

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.

*It is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Always warm up thoroughly and stretch after all workouts. and Jena Bradley will be not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

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