Motivational Monday Post 29: Music

by Apr 8, 2019Motivational Monday0 comments

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I don’t know one single person in the entire world that doesn’t love music.

Music really speaks to our souls. It penetrates deeply, the words are like an anthem to our life’s circumstances.

Whatever mood we are in, we play the music that fits that mood like a glove. It has to match, and it has to coincide.

Everyone has a different taste for music, and each individual knows exactly what type of music they need at specific times to uplift them, inspire them, pump them up, calm them down, soothe and distract.

Whenever you have the desire to listen to a song, you have the luxury of finding it and playing it practically at any moment in time. Whether it be on Alexa, Spotify, YouTube or even going old school and scanning the radio station by genre (I mean the real radio with the dial and antenna), we have the ability to listen to music practically whenever we want. 

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    I love music, I always have. As a child I would spend hours in my room listening to the radio or my favorite mixed tapes.

    Now, I’m a big fan of Alexa! Anything I want to listen to, it’s there in an instant with Alexa by my side.

    I only listen to Christian music now. It’s been maybe about 3 years since taking the K-Love 30 day challenge, and I never stopped! (So if you start talking to me about some new pop sensation, I’ll probably be clueless of the name!)

    Why Are We Talking About Music On Motivational Monday?

    Anyways, back to music and why this is my inspirational message for today.

    Music is powerful and really speaks to the listener unlike any spoken words can do.

    The rhythm, the beat, the sounds all come together to stir our emotions. Add the words and you have a powerhouse message behind the song that is trying to reach you. The message is being spoken loud and clear and the song wants you to accept and embrace it.

    Our quote for today is:

    “Where words fail, music speaks!” -Hans Christian Anderson

    Can you think of a song where the lyrics to that song hit you like a ton of bricks, and you stopped dead in your tracks thinking “Did that musician write that song for me? How did he know I needed to hear that? It’s like he knew my life story, and he wrote that song all about my life.”

    Songs can impact us so much more than words alone.

    I write this today because I want to encourage you to find music that will uplift you during times of trouble. Find your anthem song. Put it on repeat. Meditate and worship to the song over and over until the spirit within you has been filled with all goodness.

    Music During Pregnancy

    If you are pregnant and planning your pregnancy, I encourage you to start thinking of the music you want to have played during your childbirth.

    Music can really empower you to have a successful childbirth experience.

    Music can help focus your attention on something other than your pain, and it can help motivate you when you are feeling stuck and weak. Music can speak to you in such a way that maybe your partner or doula cannot.

    Related: “Do You Know The 7 P’s For Successful Childbirth?

    Having that perfect song on in the background as you are pushing and excitedly waiting to hold your brand new baby in your arms for the first time can really give you a sense of confidence unlike any other.

    Take some time to think about what type of music and which songs are right for you.

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      To make it easier for you, I have compiled a list of my favorite, encouraging and uplifting Christian songs that I absolutely love for childbirth. Check back on Friday to get the complete list of Spirit-filled labor & delivery music that will speak to you unlike any words can. These songs will definitely fill your delivery room with God’s presence.

      Related: “How To Be Fearless During Natural Childbirth”

       If you want to get early access to every new post, including the post, Best Inspiring Christian Songs For Childbirth, you can sign up here to get notifications straight to your inbox.

      Keep Smiling,

      Dr. Jena Bradley, DPT

      This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.


      About Dr. Jena Bradley

      About Dr. Jena Bradley

      Jena is a mom of 4 darling little girls, a physical therapist and founder of Live Core Strong, a blog focusing on motivating moms to live a life that incorporates fitness and fun throughout their motherhood journey.  She aims to be the friend you always wanted to have who could guide you through the “fog” when faced with an “I don’t know what to do” mommy moment. At the most inconvenient time of her life, she embarked on a journey of sharing her story and expertise to inspire the next generation of healthy moms. You can learn more about Jena by visitng her ABOUT page. 

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