Learn about the 7 best tips for weight loss for new moms and the benefits to losing weight postpartum.



Postpartum Workouts: Is HIIT Safe for New Moms?<br />

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Weight loss is a difficult subject for new moms for many reasons. New moms feel torn between wanting to feel like themselves and wanting to put their baby first and not worry about what their body looks like.

Their body is a symbol of the beautiful process of giving birth and bringing a child into the world.

So yes, a new mom’s body is beautiful no matter what, but there tends to be an underlying desire for a new mom to feel like herself after giving birth and wanting to lose weight to the point that her body feels healthy and normal again. This is an understandable desire to have as a new mom.

Which type of mom can you relate to the most?

You are probably here reading this article because you are ready to lose weight and want to learn the safest and best way to do it. Let’s dive a bit deeper. Today we are talking about all things weight loss for new moms, best tips and the benefits.

weight loss for new moms

What Is Weight Loss For Moms?

Weight loss for moms typically refers to the process of reducing body weight after childbirth.

Pretty self-explanatory.

But do you know why this is such a hard thing to accomplish? Many new moms may struggle to lose weight due to hormonal changes, lack of sleep, stress, and other factors related to caring for a newborn. 

However, it’s important to approach weight loss after childbirth with a healthy, sustainable approach that fits the individual needs and lifestyle of the new mom. 

When I was trying to lose weight after I had my 4 babies, I never rushed the process. I knew this was a slow and steady goal of mine to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight.

My ultimate focus was having enough nutrients to breastfeed my babies. Losing weight too quickly would affect my milk supply, and I never wanted to risk that from happening.

HIIT Safe for New Moms

How To Safely Lose Weight As A New Mom


To lose weight safely you want to have a balanced and nutritious diet. Plus, you want to also find some time for regular exercise.

Seeking support from healthcare professionals or community resources is my third recommendation. Additionally, it’s important to be patient with yourself. This is definitely not to be done in a quick-fix kind of way. You have a lot on your plate as a new mom, and the priority is taking care of your baby and you at the same time.

But if you focus solely on your weight loss, you may see a negative ripple effect starting to take a toll on you and your energy levels, which in turn can affect the care of your baby.  So be sure to have a balance between self care and baby care.

weight loss for new moms

Why Do New Moms Struggle To Lose Weight?


Put a hundred new moms in a room together, and I guarantee most of them will tell you they struggle to lose weight. It’s definitely not the easiest thing to accomplish when you are taking care of a new baby. New moms may struggle to lose weight for several reasons:

1. Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes during pregnancy and after childbirth can affect weight loss efforts. For example, the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, can lower metabolism and make it harder to lose weight.

2. Lack of sleep: New moms may struggle to get enough sleep due to the demands of caring for a newborn. Lack of sleep can disrupt hormonal balance, increase hunger, and make it harder to stick to a healthy diet.

3. Stress: Caring for a newborn can be stressful and overwhelming, which can lead to overeating or unhealthy food choices. Stress alone can derail your mind from focusing on meal planning and grocery shopping for healthy meals.

4. Lack of time: New moms may struggle to find time for exercise, but this also will prevent them from doing the very necessary meal planning. The high demands of the baby are where most of your time is spent and little time is left for food prep.

5. Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding can affect weight loss efforts in different ways. While it can help burn calories, it can also increase hunger and make it harder to stick to a healthy diet. Sometimes new moms continue to think they are eating for two because they are breastfeeding. Try to steer clear of that mindset.

6. Lack of support: New moms may lack support from family or friends, which can make it harder to find time for exercise or healthy meal planning. Also, you may lack support in your family and group of friends because those who surround you also make unhealthy food choices. Try to find a group of like-minded moms who also have the same healthy eating habits you strive to have.

7. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or hypothyroidism, can affect weight loss efforts.

8. Genetics: Genetics can play a role in a woman’s ability to lose weight. Some women may have a slower metabolism or may be more prone to storing fat in certain areas of the body.

As you can see, weight loss is a complex process that is influenced by many factors.

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss program and to approach weight loss with a healthy, sustainable approach that fits your individual needs and lifestyle.

Postpartum Workouts: Is HIIT Safe for New Moms?<br />

How Can Weight Loss Improve The Health and Well-being For New Mothers?


Regardless of what one might think, you are not just trying to lose weight for appearance and vain reasons but also for the health benefits. You want to be a healthy mom, set good examples for your children and live a long life.

Weight loss can provide numerous health benefits for mothers, including:

1. Reducing the risk of chronic diseases: Losing weight can lower the risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and certain cancers.

2. Improving cardiovascular health: Losing weight can improve cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and the risk of heart disease and stroke.

3. Reducing the risk of gestational diabetes: Women who are overweight or obese during pregnancy are at an increased risk of developing gestational diabetes, which can lead to complications for both the mother and baby. Losing weight before pregnancy can reduce the risk of gestational diabetes.

4. Enhancing fertility: Being overweight or obese can reduce fertility in women by disrupting hormonal balance. Losing weight can improve fertility by restoring hormonal balance and improving ovulation.

5. Improving mental health: Losing weight can improve mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, increasing self-esteem and confidence, and improving overall quality of life.

6. Reducing the risk of sleep apnea: Obesity is a risk factor for sleep apnea, a condition in which breathing is interrupted during sleep. Losing weight can reduce the risk of sleep apnea and improve sleep quality.

7. Improving joint health: Being overweight can put extra strain on the joints, leading to joint pain and osteoarthritis. Losing weight can reduce the strain on the joints and improve joint health.

Best Advice For New Moms Who Want To Begin Their Weight Loss Journey

Starting a weight loss journey can feel overwhelming; I get it. I’ve been there 4 times. But there are some steps mothers can take to get started and stay on track.

For me, I stayed determined and maintained that determined mindset throughout my postpartum journey. I encourage you to stay focused and determined throughout the whole process.

Here are some tips for you before you start your weight loss journey as a new mom:

1. Set realistic goals: It’s important to set realistic goals that are achievable within a specific timeframe. For example, aim to lose 1-2 pounds per week, rather than setting a goal to lose 10 pounds in a week.

2. Create a meal plan: This is so important! Plan meals in advance and focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. Try to avoid processed and high-calorie foods. Just avoid bringing them home from the grocery store altogether.

3. Increase physical activity: Incorporate physical activity into daily routines, such as going for a walk with the stroller, dancing with your little one, or doing yoga at home while watching a YouTube video. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of physical activity over time. Start with 2 days a week and add on from there each week.

4. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help control appetite, improve digestion and increase energy levels. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. But to get started, just try drinking 4-5 a day. Add one glass of water each week until you reach your goal. 

5. Get support: Seek support from family members, friends, or a healthcare professional. Joining a support group or finding a workout buddy can also help provide accountability and motivation.

6. Practice self-care: Take care of yourself by getting enough rest, practice stress management techniques, and engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation. Ask your husband to watch the baby for 15 minutes 3 days a week so you can be alone and practice self-care.

7. Don’t forget to give yourself some grace and be patient: Remember that weight loss is a journey, and it takes time and effort to see results. Don’t forget to celebrate small victories along the way.

weight loss for new moms

Weight Loss Success Story After 4 Babies

When I was pregnant with my 4 girls, I gained a healthy amount of weight with each pregnancy. About 25-35 pounds of weight gain was what I had.

I definitely didn’t lose all that weight the first 6 weeks postpartum; it took around 4 months for me to feel and look like my normal self again. Never did I follow a specific diet but I just made healthy food choices.

I drank a lot of water because I was breastfeeding, and I knew my milk supply would be low if I didn’t.

Around 3-5 days a week I would exercise for about 10 to 20 minutes for each workout. My workouts were never overly strenuous. But no matter what I did, I always included my postpartum ab program and walking routine (either walking on the treadmill or pushing my baby’s stroller). If you want to learn more about my postpartum ab program that helped me lose the baby weight and get a flat stomach, you can learn more here.

Recommendations And Resources For New Moms Wanting To Lose Weight

I know it can be overwhelming to go at this weight loss journey alone. So here are some of my favorite resources that are available for mothers who are interested in weight loss:

1. MyPlate by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA): MyPlate offers personalized nutrition and physical activity recommendations based on age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity level. It also provides tips for healthy eating, meal planning, and portion control.

2. American Heart Association (AHA): The AHA offers resources for healthy eating, physical activity, and weight management. It also provides information on heart-healthy cooking and recipes.

3. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK): The NIDDK provides resources and tools for weight management, including tips for healthy eating, physical activity, and weight loss strategies.

4. Weight Watchers (WW): WW is a weight loss program that offers personalized meal plans, coaching, and support. It also provides tools for tracking food intake and physical activity.

5. The Mayo Clinic: The Mayo Clinic provides information and resources for weight management, including tips for healthy eating, physical activity, and weight loss.

6. Online communities: Online communities such as Reddit, Facebook, and Instagram can offer support, inspiration, and accountability for mothers who are interested in weight loss. Look for groups or hashtags related to weight loss, healthy eating, or fitness.

weight loss for new moms


In conclusion, weight loss refers to the process of reducing body weight, typically through a combination of diet and exercise.

The goal of weight loss is usually to achieve a healthier body weight or to reduce the risk of health problems related to being overweight or obese.

There are many different approaches to weight loss, including calorie restriction, increasing physical activity, and behavior modification.

It’s important to approach weight loss with a healthy, sustainable approach that fits your individual needs and lifestyle, and to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss program as you navigate your postpartum journey.

Yes, starting a weight loss journey can be challenging, but setting realistic goals, creating a meal plan, increasing physical activity, staying hydrated, getting support, practicing self-care, and being patient with yourself can help you to get started and stay on track. You’ve got this, mama! 

Watch this free training on how you can get started with postpartum ab exercises if you are eager to start your fitness journey as a new mom.


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**It is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Always warm up thoroughly and stretch after all workouts. LiveCoreStrong.com and Jena Bradley will be not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Postpartum Workouts: Is HIIT Safe for New Moms?

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