The top 10 questions you have about weight loss as a new mom. Get the answers below. 



Postpartum Workouts: Is HIIT Safe for New Moms?<br />

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You just had a baby, and weight loss as a new mom is something that has been stirring in your brain. You have so many questions you don’t even know where to begin.

Is weight loss safe, and how quickly should I be losing the weight as I am navigating postpartum recovery?

You know that weight gain is inevitable during pregnancy, but is it meant to stay on for good?

Absolutely not.

You deserve to have your body back so that you can live a long and healthy life as a mom to your children (and feel good while doing it). Let’s tackle these top 10 questions all about weight loss for new moms.

mom with energy exercising with baby

1.) Why do new moms lose weight?

Let’s start with the basics. It’s easier to lose weight after pregnancy for a new mom because of the birthing process. The baby, amniotic fluid, placenta and other fluids leave your body during childbirth.

You will continue to lose that excess amount of fluid over time as your body begins to regulate. The amount of fluid within your body will eventually return back to its pre-pregnancy baseline. 

For you new moms who are breastfeeding, also remember that you will use up to 500 more calories a day making breast milk. Breastfeeding uses up the fat stores that are already in your body and weight loss occurs faster if you are breastfeeding. 

HIIT Safe for New Moms

2) How quickly should you lose weight after having a baby?


After giving birth, you should allow your body adequate time to recover, and weight loss should not be the focus during your recovery, especially during the first 6 weeks.

That is a time to allow your body to heal and restore.

After you have your 6 week follow-up postpartum appointment with your doctor, you will want to take the advice the doctor prescribed for you in regards to weight loss.

It is recommended that new moms should aim to lose no more than one to two pounds per week. This should not be done with dieting but rather with healthy food choices and regular exercise. 

self-care mom holding baby

3.) How much weight should I have lost 1 week postpartum?


Keep in mind that every new mom loses weight at a different pace, and the numbers described in this article are estimates and averages, not exacts.

If you are wondering how much weight on average new moms lose after 1 week postpartum,  the range is around 10-15 pounds. Typically, new moms lose 13 lbs. on average after giving birth which includes the weight of the baby, the placenta and the amniotic fluid. 

You’ll also lose another 5 pounds or so during the first week post-delivery as your body sheds excess water weight.

If you are curious how much weight you should lose 4 weeks postpartum, that can be calculated. Weight loss typically occurs at a rate of 1 lb. of weight loss per week; so that would come to around 14-20 lbs. of weight loss at 4 weeks postpartum

Postpartum Workouts: Is HIIT Safe for New Moms?<br />

4.) How much weight should I have lost 3 months postpartum?


If we want to dig a little bit further and find out how much weight should you lose by 3 months postpartum, the average answer is around 22-37 lbs.

Remember, this is different for everyone. But keep in mind that a healthy weight loss goal is 1-2 lbs. per week of weight loss for a postpartum mom. So wherever you are right now in your weight loss journey, just know that your numbers can vary. 

Let’s take the example of a new mom who is 6 weeks postpartum. You should expect by the time she is 3 months postpartum that she will lose another 6-12 lbs based off of the average of losing 1-2 lbs per week. Whatever the scale says right now for her at 6 weeks, subtract 6-12 lbs to find out what she is at 3 months. 

Now you do the same for yourself!

Remember, on average, a new mom who loses about 10-15 lbs. at childbirth will expect to have lost around 22-37 lbs. by 3 months postpartum. 

5.) How long does it take for a postpartum belly to shrink?

This really depends on many factors, but in general, the postpartum belly can take about 6 weeks to shrink naturally on its own and return back to pre-pregnancy size.

This is in regards to the uterus that is housed within the belly. This does not take into account the extra fat stores that accumulate during pregnancy that linger on well beyond the early postpartum stages of recovery. 

However, other factors such as genetics, diet, exercise habits, and overall health can also play a role in how long it takes for the postpartum belly to shrink. 

Keep in mind that some new moms experience diastasis recti, a condition in which the abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy, which can contribute to a persistent belly bulge. 

weight loss for new moms

6. Why do new moms still look pregnant?

New moms still look pregnant after having a baby for several reasons. But before you read this, I want you to give yourself some grace and be patient with your body.

Losing the weight is not a “one and done” kind of thing. It doesn’t happen overnight. So I encourage you to be patient as you go through your weight loss journey. 

Keep in mind that your abdominal muscles stretched a lot during pregnancy, and these muscles after birth do not go back to their original position once your baby is delivered.

Your belly will continue to sag and there may even be a gap in the middle of your stomach. This gap is called Diastasis Recti, where the organs can push out into your belly, causing a bigger bulge. 

Also, the size of the uterus expands during pregnancy and pushes out the abdomen even after childbirth. It takes time (weeks and even months) for the uterus to shrink back down to its normal size. 

And lastly, water retention during pregnancy causes swelling all throughout the body including the abdomen. The water weight can take several weeks to disappear after delivery.

This water weight can appear to make you look pregnant even when you are not. But like I said earlier, be patient with the process of healing, and in time your body will normalize. 

It’s important to remember that every woman’s body is different, and the rate at which the body returns to its pre-pregnancy state can vary.

ab exercise on physio ball

7. What is the fastest way to lose weight after pregnancy?

Losing weight after pregnancy can take time, and it’s important to approach weight loss in a safe and healthy manner. Here are some tips that may help:

1. Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding can help you burn extra calories and may promote weight loss. It’s also great for your baby’s health.

2. Healthy Eating: Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help you lose weight and provide you with the nutrients you need to recover from childbirth.

3. Exercise: Exercise can help you lose weight and regain strength and tone in your muscles. Start slowly with low-impact activities, such as walking outside while pushing your baby in the stroller, and gradually increase your activity level over time. Adding 5 extra minutes a day to your walking routine is a great way to progress. 

4. Sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for weight loss and overall health. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. But I know that’s a far-fetched reality, so try to catch up on those hours during nap times when your baby is napping. 

5. Patience: It’s important to be patient with yourself and give your body time to recover after pregnancy. Weight loss after pregnancy can take time, so don’t rush it or become discouraged if you don’t see immediate results.

It’s also important to remember that weight loss should not be the primary focus after pregnancy. Your body has gone through a significant change, and your priority should be to take care of yourself and your baby.

weight loss for new moms

8. Is it harder to lose weight after having a baby?

It can be hard for some new moms to lose weight after having a baby because there are so many factors in play. Lack of sleep, lack of proper nutrition due to lacking the time to cook healthy,  nutrient-rich foods, lack of time to exercise and lack of support.

These are all factors that make it difficult to lose weight postpartum. However, if you are able to consistently lose 1 lb. per week during your postpartum recovery, it will take you six months to a year to return back to your pre-pregnancy weight.

Keep in mind that half of the weight is lost in the first six month after delivery

9. Can pumping help you lose weight?

If you are interested in speeding up your weight loss journey as a new mom, a safe way to do that is with breastfeeding or pumping.

Pumping mothers burn up to 500 more calories per day. But don’t ignore the fact that you will need to increase your caloric intake to replenish the calories used for breastfeeding and pumping because what’s most important is giving your baby adequate nutrients.

10. Why is it so much harder to lose weight after having a baby?

If you are really struggling, and you are thinking to yourself, “Why is it harder to lose the baby weight compared to my other friends?”, I want you to stop right there and avoid comparing yourself.

You need to start comparing yourself to who you were yesterday and the day before, not your friend next door.

Keep a journal or a calendar and track your day-to-day progress, and then you’ll see that you are progressing in the right direction.

It’s hard to lose weight after having a baby because you might not have the help and support you need to cook healthy meals, to work out on a consistent basis at home or to get adequate sleep each night that gives you the energy to focus on yourself and your health.

If you are ready to do something good for yourself and make health a consistent priority in your life, then start with this list of habits of a fit mom. 


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**It is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Always warm up thoroughly and stretch after all workouts. and Jena Bradley will be not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Postpartum Workouts: Is HIIT Safe for New Moms?

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