Are you new to the blog? Welcome! We focus on motivating the next generation of healthy moms. Here, you’ll learn a lot…and this is the best place to start. Let’s dive deep into the top 10 blog posts of Live Core Strong by Dr. Jena Bradley.

Live Core Strong Mom Fitness Motivation




This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.



I can hardly believe we are over 4 years in the running.

A lot has happened this past year in my life and on the blog. I thought I would focus this post to recap the top 10 blog posts you loved this past year during 2022 (based on pageviews). Here we go! Let’s start the countdown.

Postpartum Depression

#10) 14 Best Pregnancy Safe Exercises – Safe For All Trimesters + Video

If you are pregnant and you want to maintain a healthy body throughout all trimesters, prenatal workouts are a great way to maintain a healthy weight and avoid Gestational Diabetes. If you are motivated to work out this year, read the post to get the full exercise list:

Postpartum Support Group

#9.) How To Make The Ultimate Birth Plan + Free One Page Template


This one page template is a game changer when it comes to having a relaxed and smooth birth. Get all your ideas and thoughts on paper before the big day arrives so when it’s time to enter that delivery room, you just hand over that plan and forget about the rest! Snag your copy of the one page template here:

50 Positive Postpartum Affirmations and Quotes

#8.) 7 Safe Ab Exercises To Do During Pregnancy: First Trimester

When you are so used to doing ab exercises your whole life and then all of a sudden you find out you are pregnant, are you supposed to stop doing ab exercises? No, you don’t need to stop. I actually encourage you to continue with ab workouts while pregnant. But be sure you are doing the right ones. Read this post to learn a safe prenatal ab routine.

Postpartum Recovery

#7) When Is It Too Late To Wear A Postpartum Belly Wrap?

This question is so common among knew moms who want to wear a postpartum belly wrap but don’t know if it’s worth the investment, the time or the hassle. Find out all the details in this post.

Postpartum Depression

#6) 75 Best Strong Mom Quotes That Will Encourage & Inspire

You definitely enjoyed the inspiration that is floating around all over the blog, but this post came out on top for best motivation quotes specifically for moms.

Take a moment to glance at this post and pull out your top 3 quotes. Save them for those days that are just hard. Read the quotes out loud and believe in yourself that you can do whatever you set out to do. These quotes will be your inspiration for the New Year.

Postpartum Workout

#5) 12 Best Fitness Channels on YouTube for Women

I love going to the gym, but we all know it’s hard to get out of the house, especially with little babies and cold weather right outside the door. Check out these fitness channels on YouTube that have some of the best workouts for women.

Postpartum Nutrition Mom and Baby

#4) 33 Things To Do Before Trying To Have A Baby


This post has always been one of my most popular posts. It’s full of TONS of helpful information for anyone who wants to start a family but also if you are ready to have your second, third or fourth child. I guarantee you’ll learn something new in this post. Check it out here:

#3) How Long Should You Wear A Postpartum Belly Wrap

The belly wrap, a confusing topic for new moms. But let me tell you, it’s a must-have for any new mom who wants to get rid of the postpartum pooch. But the timing is crucial. Learn more here:

#2) Can You Ever Get Rid Of C-Section Pouch?

The C-section pouch along with the scar are probably the two worst side effects of having a C-section. If you had one, you probably agree. But can you actually get rid of the C-section pouch? Find out more here:

#1) Beginner 30-Day Ab Workout Challenge + Workout Calendar


The post that came out on top was my 30-Day Beginner Ab challenge. Why is this ab challenge so popular compared to all the other 30-day ab challenges on the internet? It’s because I have an “A” day and a “B” day. What am I talking about? Go check it out here for all the details, and you’ll see why so many women (and men) love it. It’s my absolute favorite ab challenge, and I still do it to this day. Plus you’ll see results very quickly! Try it and let me know what happens.

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.

*It is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Always warm up thoroughly and stretch after all workouts. and Jena Bradley will be not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Top Blog Posts Live Core Strong Mom Fitness Motivation Blog

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