Motivational Monday Post 15-New Year’s Resolution

by Dec 31, 2018Motivational Monday0 comments

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I love this time of year when everyone is setting New Year’s resolutions. Everyone is so motivated to become a better “You”. Fitness, healthier eating, money saving, career goals and better habits are all everyone is talking about come January. It’s wonderful.


“There’s nothing magical about the flip of the calendar, but it represents a clean break, a new hope and a blank canvas.” – Jason Soroski


I typically don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but I know a lot of other people do. It’s a time when people look back and evaluate their lives to see what really needs to be changed for the next year. People don’t want to keep repeating and making the same mistakes they did last year. No way!

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    Something’s Gotta Change

    Let’s get rid of those bad habits, admit to yourself what is not working in your life and declare what needs to be changed in order for next year to be better.

    New Years is the perfect time where everyone is motivated together, and that’s why it’s fun to have a resolution. Join up with a friend or your spouse to work towards your resolution together.

    People who surround you understand why you are making a change. You have a support system and your own cheerleaders around you who need to be cheered on themselves. There’s an understanding and acceptance throughout our culture that makes it easier to achieve the goal you have set out to achieve.

    Discounts at local gyms, sales on fitness equipment and a bigger selection of health foods at the grocery stores. Our society is cheering you on.


    Is Your New Year’s Resolution Health Related?


    If your New Year’s resolution is to be healthier in some way, I applaud you! First, I love the fact that your New Year’s resolution is about yourself and not about someone else, and second I love how your New Year’s resolution is about anything health related!


    Related: 7 Tips and Tricks To Maintain A Healthier Lifestyle

    You have made the first step to admitting to yourself that you need to make a change to live a healthier lifestyle.

    I encourage you to take baby steps. Slow and steady wins the race! Your resolution, goal, whatever it might be, will not magically be achieved overnight. It takes time, practice, repetition and perseverance to be where you want to be.


    Originally published in 2009, this study found it took an average of 66 days to form a new habit. But, and this is important, the 66 days reported in the study was an average. Of the 82 participants who provided sufficient data for analysis, it took anywhere from 18 days to 254 days to form a new habit. In other words, as the study concludes, there is “considerable variation in how long it takes people to reach their limit of automaticity [or forming a new habit]” and “it can take a very long time.”

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      Don’t Give Up

      So don’t be so hard on yourself if you are struggling to keep your New Year’s resolution. Keep at it to the best of your ability. Have a support system or an accountability partner to be alongside you and encourage you.


      Related: How To Stay Focused During Your Home Workout


      I would love to be your accountability partner! Whatever you have your heart set to achieve this year, I would love to come alongside you and encourage you throughout the year.


      Simply sign-up to let me know you want me as your accountability partner and I will be in contact with you personally to learn more about you and your ambitions.


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        It’s nice to have someone who can just be there for you, to support you, not judge you and give you an extra bit of advice and encouragement when things get hard or you feel like quitting.


        I look forward to connecting with you on a more personal level.

        Keep Smiling,

        Dr. Jena Bradley, DPT

        This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.


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