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If you are looking for a fresh start to your day with a good morning routine that will help start your day off on the right track from the get go, then you will love this article. Learning some basic self-care tips for your waking hours can really help nourish your mind and body so that you can be ready to take on whatever life’s challenges come your way. Here you will find simple yet effective routine ideas for every woman to implement into their morning routine with just a little bit of discipline and determination.

I’ll be honest, I am a morning person! I always have been since as long as I can remember. But I do know that not all of you who are reading this are morning people. That can change!

Is getting out of bed in the morning a struggle for you? Do you end up hitting the snooze button over and over so many times day after day that you practically don’t even remember doing it anymore? Are you always feeling rushed to get out the door whether it’s for work or taking your kids to school? Are you sick of tired of telling others excuses for why you are late all the time.

This can stop, and it can stop now if you want it to. You do need to be determined to make the change and disciplined enough to stick to a new routine.


Let’s define what ROUTINE means

Routine (Rou·tine) (noun)

– A set of customary or unchanging and often mechanically performed activities or procedures

– The practice of such activities or procedures

I love how the definition has the word PRACTICE in it. We need to practice this routine over and over again until we get it right and until it’s innate in us.

We shouldn’t expect to wake up at 5 am every morning without a struggle. But if we literally practice getting out of our beds at 5 am every day for weeks on end, I promise, it will be a piece of cake and you’ll be jumping out of bed without missing a beat.

Related: 5 Tips On How To Avoid Burnout

So if you are ready to commit to this new routine that you so desperately want to have in your life, then let’s start right away. Tomorrow morning will be Day 1, so get your alarm set for whatever time you REALLY want to wake up and forget about that snooze button. Pretend it doesn’t even exist. Can you do that?

Now that you have your alarm set, let’s get right into what a GREAT Morning Routine Looks Like


7 Steps To The Ultimate Morning Routine


1. Spiritual Time

Spending time with God is first on the list, well, because, God is first in my life. I make it a priority to read the Bible, have private prayer time, journal and do devotions.

This is a great way to get your mind spiritually ready for what the day is going to bring.

2. Hydration Is A Must – Water

Have a large water bottle by your side all morning and make sure it’s empty by the time your morning routine is done! Yep, it’s important to be well hydrated. It boosts your immune system, improves your heart health, helps with weight loss, improves your mental performance and energy levels. Basically, YOU NEED IT!

Related: 7 Tips & Tricks To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle


3. Exercise + Music

Commit to a block of time that is adequate enough for you to get a good workout in first thing in the morning. It could be yoga, pilates, your favorite YouTube workout channel, Beach Body on Demand, your treadmill or stationary bike in your basement, a set of dumbbells, resistance bands, whatever you like to do. Set a timer and work out hard during that specific time you set aside for yourself. Try to break a good sweat!

This is the best time to get your favorite playlist out and jam out to some energizing music to help get your pumped up for your killer workout!

4. Cleanse – Hop In The Shower

Now that you’re all sweaty, it’s definitely time for a shower! Allow enough time to get a shower that is not rushed but rather relaxing! This is your time, uninterrupted to unwind and spend some time in your own thoughts. Plan out your day, get your schedule organized within your head and map out a game plan so that you are prepared for the tasks ahead.

5. Make-Up + Hair + Outfit + Podcast! 

Time to get ready! And time to look our best! When you put your make-up, do your hair the way you like it and find an outfit other than yoga pants or sweats so you feel more put together. This feeling of being “put-together” will give you more confidence in yourself as you go about your day.

Add in your favorite podcast, perhaps something along the lines of a self-improving podcast, is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. Hopefully whatever podcast you pick, it’s one that will encourage you to strive towards reaching some of your personal goals or help teach you things that you have always wanted to learn.

6. Fuel Your Body – Breakfast Time

Even if you are not hungry, eating is so important to keep your metabolism going strong. If you skip a meal, your metabolism just simple slows down. We all don’t want that! Find something adequate enough, preferably with protein, to fuel your body, give you energy and recharge yourself before the day begins.

7. Review Your “6 List” And Start Your Day!

What is The 6 List? It’s one of my favorite ways to stay ultra productive each day. Write down in order of importance 6 things that you would like to tackle on your to-do list tomorrow. Only 6. Every day you focus on those 6 things only and at the end of the night you rewrite your 6 list moving each item up on the list that you did not accomplish. To learn more click HERE.

7 BONUS Tips To Make Your Morning Routine Easier For You

1. Put your alarm clock/cell phone far enough away from your bed so you literally have to get up to turn off the alarm.

2. Pick out your day clothes the night before.

3. Pack lunches the night before

4. Set-up the coffee pot the night before so you just have to turn it on

5. Have a designated space in your home for your spiritual time: prayer closet or a special reading nook. Where ever you choose, keep your journal, notes, pens, Bible, devotional and anything else you normally need in that spot so it’s ready to go when you wake up.

6. Have your water bottle filled, refrigerated and ready for when you wake up.

7. Go to bed wearing your workout clothes so when you hop out of bed all you have to do is put on your shoes and get right at it.

Take Care Of Yourself First

Self-care is so important to your overall health and happiness. Take care of YOU first so that you can help take care of those around you more effectively.

When your morning is off on the right track, the rest of the day follows in its footsteps.

Related: How To Best Incorporate Self-Care

I hope you take the steps to implement this morning routine because I know you will feel more energized, have a positive mindset, be more productive and have a clearer focus during the day.

Want to start taking better care of yourself with improved self-care habits? If you said yes, then click here to learn how.


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**It is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Always warm up thoroughly and stretch after all workouts. and Jena Bradley will be not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Up Next…


  1. Erin

    I love your tips! I’ve read so many articles on being a morning person, but this sounds doable! Thanks for sharing!

    • Jena Bradley

      Erin, I’m glad you liked this morning routine. Hope it helps.

  2. Melissa Lucy

    I love these ideas! I couldn’t agree more. Especially the shower part, showering in the morning is therapeutic to me!

    • Jena Bradley

      Melissa, I completely agree. A good shower is so refreshing! Glad you liked all the ideas in the list.


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