Happy Monday Everyone! Thanks for coming back and joining me for a new week. Launch Day was so thrilling for me. I really took a leap of faith and moved forward with the blog not knowing what lies ahead. I had a vision and I stuck with it! I had doubts, but my dreams of succeeding kept me going.

Is there something that you are motivated about doing? Is there this thing in the back of your mind that you always wanted to try but hid it away because you were afraid if someone else heard about it they would reject your idea?

I want to motivate you to take the first step and tell someone, just one person, your idea. Just try it.

“A year from now you will wish you started TODAY.”

–Karen Lamb

So go ahead and do it…start TODAY!

Keep Smiling,

Dr. Jena Bradley, DPT



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  1. Robin Richards

    Jena, congrats on your new blog – it’s very interesting and motivating! Great job!

    • Jena Bradley

      Thanks, Robin, for coming by to take a look! Hope someone you know could benefit from it!


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