Motivational Monday Post 18-Positive Thinking
You wake up and the first thing you are thinking about is _______. You, Mom, fill in the blank. What did you think about first thing this morning? Was it about how busy your day is going to be? Were you thinking about how you forgot to help your kid finish his homework last night? Or were you thinking about how you have nothing to wear today? Maybe you were thinking about the long list of things on your to-do list that you are dreading to start.
Or maybe you were thinking about something POSITIVE? Are you one of the few who woke up today thinking about how exciting your day is going to be or how blessed you are? If so, that’s fabulous!
I encourage you to start your mornings off with a firm declaration to rid your mind of negative thoughts and fill it instead with positive thoughts!
How about every morning you say “Good Morning” to yourself, feed your mind with positive thoughts and forbid any negative thoughts from entering your mind.
“Feed you mind with positive thoughts, and attract great things into your life.”
I know when my mind is steering clear of negativity, criticism and all things complaining, my mood and everything else about me is more optimistic.
Open Up Your Bible
The Bible is a great place to start if you are looking for ways to clear your mind and focus on all things positive. There are so many inspirational messages within the Bible but one of my favorites is Philippians 4:8
“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” (NLT)
You are in full control of your thoughts and only you. Yes, someone might influence you in one way or another with their words and actions, but you have the full control of how you perceive what’s surrounding you in your life.
Related: How To Best Incorporate Self-Care
How do you remain positive in your life? Do you have positive influences within your family and your circle of friends? Or do you struggle with this area in your life? I would love to hear from you. Comment below with thoughts and questions.
Keep Smiling,
Dr. Jena Bradley, DPT
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I have been reading and listening to a lot of things about both a morning routine as well as positive affirmations! I have a good night time routine. My next goal is to try and wake up earlier for a positive morning rountine!
Tara, where do you find inspiration? What are you reading and listening to, if you are willing to share!