Motivational Monday Post 14-Be Happy

by Dec 17, 2018Motivational Monday0 comments

In our lifetime, we have so many opportunities that come our way. As a mom, we are presented with so many life decisions not only for ourselves but also for our children as well. We have a big role to fill. Our choices have a huge impact on those who surround us.


With so many decisions to make in a matter of 24 hours or over the course of a year, we have ability to make choices that will either bring us joy or stress.


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    Whatever you decide to do in life, make sure it makes you happy! -Luna Adriana Ardiansyah


    Make the decisions that you know will make you happy in the end. Signing your kids up for more sports-will that make you happy or will that just cause more stress? Buying your kid a new Ipad-will that make you happy or will it just gratify your child? Taking on a new job position-will that make you happy or do you feel like it’s too much for you to take on? Joining a gym-will that make you happy or do you feel like financially it will be strain to the budget?


    Ultimately, you make the choice. You are in control of your life. Happiness is in reach if you make the right choices  It’s ok to say “No” to some things, especially if your intuition is telling you to say “No”.

     This book is great for teaching you to say “NO!”

    I know it’s hard to turn down opportunities, but if the opportunity is not going to bring you pleasure, it’s probably not what you want to be agreeing to.


    I encourage you to live a life of joy and happiness. Fill you life with encouraging people, laughter, fun memories, exciting opportunities and positive thoughts!

    Keep Smiling,

    Dr. Jena Bradley, DPT

    This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.


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    Hi there, friend! I’m Jena, a mom of 4 and a Physical Therapist with a passion to motivate moms! I want to inspire you to be your best self by sharing my experiences and trusted advice on motherhood, health and fitness.

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