How To Modify The Best Beginner Core Exercise For Moms

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If you are looking for ways to modify the best core exercise of all time, then you came to the right place.
I definitely know a thing or two about the core, hence the name of my blog is Live Core Strong!!
As a physical therapist, I will teach you various ways within this article on how to perform the most important core exercise in various modified ways, just to keep your workout routine a bit engaging (ha, no pun intended!)
Also in this post, you will learn how to implement this exercise in your everyday routine as a mom.
Trust me, you want to read all the way to the end so you can learn the best ways to implement this exercise for the rest of your life, no matter what age you are! Injury prevention is so important, isn’t it?!? (The physical therapist in me had to throw that in there!!!)
Plus, there’s a bonus video at the end of the post so make sure you check that out!
Best Beginner Exercise For The Abdominal Muscles
As a physical therapist, abdominal bracing is one of the most highly used exercises for back and core training. It is practically safe for all clientele, so I know it’s going to be great for you as well.
As I mentioned in a previous post, the absolute best beginner exercise for moms is abdominal bracing. I, in much detail, explained the step by step process to performing this exercise properly in order to get the most benefit from this introductory core exercise.
I love abdominal bracing for many reason because it’s safe for nearly everyone who wants to start activating the core for the first time, it’s rehabilitative for those with back injuries or stabilization problems of the spine, it’s perfect throughout pregnancy as it is safe for the mom-to-be and baby during each trimester, and it’s the best exercise to start with as your transition into the postpartum phase.
Even if that doesn’t all apply to you, it’s great for all moms (young or old!)
So with that said, and assuming you know how to do my favorite beginner core exercise, abdominal bracing, let’s get into ways to modify the workout.
Related: The Best Beginner Core Exercise Recommended For Moms | VIDEO
(Disclaimer: before continuing to read the rest of this post, please read this first post which explains how to properly perform the basic abdominal bracing exercise. Once you have mastered abdominal bracing in a lying down position, then, and only then, should you continue reading).
Modifying Abdominal Bracing in Various Positions
Not all exercises can be modified, but abdominal bracing has a long list of ways to modify it.
1. Abdominal Bracing Sitting
You can perform this exercise in a sitting position such as sitting at the kitchen table, sitting on the couch, or sitting at a chair a restaurant.
2. Abdominal Bracing Standing
Standing is the most beneficial position to perform AB. Try performing AB while standing in the shower, standing in the kitchen while cooking, standing in line at the grocery store or standing while at church.
3. Abdominal Bracing While Walking
This takes some practice, but it can be done. If you are committed to a walking routine, add AB into the mix to help stabilize your core more. You can also perform AB while walking around the store, parking lots, around the house or your neighborhood.
4. Abdominal Bracing Added Into Your Workout Routine:
You can perform AB during all other Upper Body and Lower Body Workouts for the most part. Some great examples include during squats, double leg lifts and arm raises.
Related: 10 Easy & Safe Core Exercises For You Postpartum Workout At Home | VIDEO
Abdominal Bracing In The Car
Have you ever tried working out in the car? It’s actually something I do on a daily basis. Whenever sitting at a red light, I like to remind myself to do an exercise. Try performing AB while sitting in the car driving.
Abdominal Bracing At Work
Whether you have a sit down job or a job that involves standing and walking, you can perform AB without anyone even knowing it. It’s such a subtle movement so it’s discrete. Perform a few sets during your lunch break or even while you are working.
Abdominal Bracing For The Mom At Home
Abdominal Bracing (AB) can be modified basically when it comes to anything you do in your daily routine. That’s why I love this exercise so much. Below, I have included a list of several examples of how I like to best utilize AB during my daily routine while taking care of 4 little rascals!
Related: 15 Best Mommy & Me Postpartum Exercises With Baby | VIDEO
Daily Routine Modifiers For Moms
Perform Abdominal Bracing (AB) during the following:
- Picking up and holding babies/kids
- Doing the dishes while twisting and turning to put dishes in the dishwasher
- Lifting heavy items up onto shelves
- Bending over to pick up toys off the floor
- Vacuuming
- Carrying the baby carrier car seat
- Pushing the stroller
- Carrying diaper bags and/or grocery bags
- Bending over to put baby into the crib
- Giving your kids baths
- Cleaning the house
- Yard work, pulling weeds, gardening
If you find this to be a challenge for you, controlling your core muscles while performing other tasks, I recommend going back to performing Abdominal Bracing (AB) in a lying down position.
Once you have mastered that, attempt performing it in a sitting position next. From sitting, then attempt standing and then walking. Once you have moved through those series of progressions it will be much easier to try doing AB during your other daily activities or work.
Have you found this exercise to be helpful for you? In what ways do you utilize abdominal bracing the most? During your workout routine or during your daily routine? Comment below to start the discussion.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me privately or you can comment below in the comments section. I’m always here to help so please don’t hesitate to write me. I look forward to hearing from you.
Keep Smiling,
Dr. Jena Bradley, DPT
This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.
**It is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Perform exercises at your own risk.