If you are determined to reach your fitness goals this year, get an accountability partner to help you reach your fitness goals faster.

meet your fitness goals faster with accountability workout partner

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Did you feel like you were going full force at the start of the year with these amazing killer workouts and now that weeks have gone by, you’re starting to drift? Are you skipping workouts, maybe not finishing the entire workout you had planned, or maybe even just doing half as much effort as you once were?

Is this you? Are you 1 in 5 people who set a New Year’s resolution to be more healthy?

If so, then you will definitely want to continue reading because we are going to dive deep into making sure your fitness goals are met this year. 

meet your fitness goals faster with accountability workout partner

Health and Fitness Goals 

There are so many ways to be healthier, but right now I am going to focus primarily on exercise.

If you are working out at home, do you feel alone, like you need someone beside you to give you a nudge to get up and keep going?

I know I do! I work out at home, and when I’m in the basement working out alone, for me it’s pretty unmotivating! Ugh, I feel like there’s no power in my workout. It’s nice to have someone there for that added encouragement and boost.

Sometimes my husband and I workout together if our schedules align, and those workouts are always more intense and flat out more fun! You can imagine why.

Get A Workout Accountability Partner To Help You Meet Your Fitness Goals Faster

I want you to find a workout accountability partner if you want to meet your fitness goals faster. I know, that sounds hard because you’re thinking everyone you know is so busy, but trust me when I say this, the person you ask is going to thank you in the long run. Yep, you’re going to become their accountability partner also.

A study conducted by the American Society of Training and Development found that people who commit to their goals with another person are 65% more likely to achieve them. That statistic jumps to 95% if the person commits to regular accountability meetings to check in on their progress. – Fitness CF 

meet your fitness goals faster with accountability workout partner

Having A Negative Mindset Can Limit Your Ability To Reach Your Fitness Goals Faster

Don’t let the limiting beliefs stand in your way of your ability to reach your fitness goals faster. I know you may be saying to yourself right now….

“Who can I ask that will commit to working out with me?”

“Do any of my friends like to work out as much as I do?”

Or maybe you are thinking “my friend is in far better shape than I am, she’s going to torture me during my workouts”.

Are you thinking “how on earth are we going to find time to work out together with our busy mom schedules and kids activities?”

Let’s put the excuses aside and have fun with this so we can make it happen. The excuses are going to get you nowhere. And it’s time to get somewhere. It’s time to reach your fitness goals. That partner is the one who’s going to help you get there faster.

Options For Workouts With Your Accoutability Partner

Is there someone in your life that likes to workout? It could be anyone near or far. This person doesn’t have to live close by.

Do you think the both of you could wake up early and workout together just through a FaceTime call? If not in the morning, maybe late at night after the kids are in bed? Let’s think outside the box for a minute.

Could you join a gym together? First thing in the morning, you skip right over to the gym with your littles and have your girl time on the treadmills beside each other?

Maybe the both of you would do better with an online workout where you both stick to the same routines and fitness accountability challenges, then give each other a call to keep each other accountable?

There are so many ways to work around excuses, so I encourage you today to think of someone who can be your workout partner. Focus on getting your schedules to match so that you can commit to at least one workout a week together. This is a great way for the both of you to stay accountable to your fitness goals.

The focus for today is not only sticking to your workout routine but also focusing on the importance of how healthy relationships and friendships can help you achieve your goals faster. You can learn how to be an amazing accountability partner to your workout buddy by doing these 7 things

Do you have someone already in your life who has been a huge encouragement to you? Stop what you are doing and give them a quick text asking them to be your workout accountability partnre this year.

meet your fitness goals faster with accountability workout partner

Accountability Partner Checklist

You may have found an acountability partner but when it comes time to actually do something together, you feel lost. Use this accountability partner checklist as your guide so you can stay on track and get things accomplished. Time is limited so it’s important to stay focused. 

meet your fitness goals faster with accountability workout partner

Workout Accountabilitly Apps

Workout accountability apps are another option if you really don’t have anyone you can call on. These apps are great however you need to be disciplined enough to actually open up the app and check-in. The app is worthless if you don’t actually use it.

Put that app front and center on your phone and make it a habit to open it every morning.

Here is a list of the top 6 workout accountability apps.

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