These are the 7 reasons why moms want to lose the postpartum pooch forever.



benefits for losing the postpartum pooch

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Congratulations! When are you due? 

These are the words that haunt most moms when walking in the grocery store with their new baby in their shopping cart.

Yep, you’re not due, you are postpartum and you still look pregnant. That pooch is lingering way longer than you had wanted it to and you are fed up. 

It’s time to get rid of the postpartum pooch once and for all. 

And to motivate you to do so, here are the 7 top reasons why I feel all moms NEED to lose the postpartum pooch. Not for vanity reasons but for real medical reasons, physical reasons and mental reasons. 

Let’s dive right in. Here are the top 7 benefits for losing the postpartum pooch. 


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1. Improve your mood

Did you know that when you exercise your endorphins start to kick in and go up?

They go up so high that we actually start to feel the effects in our own body.

What do I mean?

Well, I mean our mood improves and our calmness and peace comes over us like someone gave us a happy drug.

Instead of being irritable and snappy with your spouse and whoever else is in your presence, you become more patient, kind and caring.

Our mood takes a complete “180” and it’s all simply from the free endorphins we get after we work out. 

2. Improve your confidence 


When our body starts to change in the mirror right before our eyes, something remarkable happens to our psyche.

Our confidence actually improves alongside the changes that take place physically.

Mentally we start to tell ourselves, “I look good,” or “I look stronger,” or “I look better in this outfit.”

Those neural pathways begin to make lasting trails in our brain that become deeper and deeper.

We want those trails to last, and the more we work out, the healthier we become and the more confidence we gain about ourselves. 

standing on scale with measuring tape

3. Improve your posture


When you lose the postpartum pooch, the extra weight that was once sagging in the front of your belly is no longer pulling on your lower back.

When our low back has to support the extra pooch (and extra weight!), changes start to take place in the curvature of the spine.

Whatever happens in the lower portion of your spine (lumbar spine) will also play a huge role on what’s happening on the vertebrae above (lumbar and thoracic spine).

Be sure to start as early as possible with posture exercises and core exercise to lose the postpartum pooch so that your posture does not continue to be affected by the changes that take place during pregnancy.

Postpartum is a time of healing and restoration, but continuing on the dangerous path of poor posture well into postpartum recovery can have lasting negative effects. 

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4. Improve energy

Someone who is more fit is scientifically proven to have more energy compared to someone who is lazy.

Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. –Mayo Clinic 

Think about it – our bodies are so amazing that just the simple act of exercise alone will give us energy.

There’s no need for coffee, monster drinks, energy shots or whatever.

Simply by exercising we will get a boost of energy, and as moms we need all the energy we can get.

Give it a try, just for 15 minutes and see how you feel for the next 3 hours after your workout. Trust me, your energy levels will be soaring.

5. Improve back pain

That disproportionate distribution of weight can have major effects on your spine and thus cause severe pain.

Our bodies were not designed to have added weight hanging from our stomach for long periods of time.

We barely could tolerate 9 months of added weight. Can you imagine your entire life of extra weight hanging from your belly?

Just imagine the permanent damage that could take place on your spine, nerves, discs and SI joint.

One of the main benefits for losing the postpartum pooch and losing the added weight is the relief of the back pain that you’re currently experiencing. 

Plus, losing the postpartum pooch can be looked at as a proactive attempt to prevent the onset of having back pain in the future. 

happy husband and wife

6. Improve your relationship with your spouse

Ok, this applies to most new moms who just had a baby. Let’s be honest with ourselves, your relationship with your husband is dwindling.

It’s hard to point to one specific reason, but usually it’s a mix of things: lack of sleep, lack of energy (mentioned above), lack of time to spend with him and lack of confidence (also mentioned above).

When it comes to your relationship with your spouse, your confidence to be close to him is so important.

If you don’t feel like “you” anymore and you feel lost in your new postpartum body, it can feel discouraging to be around our husband.

Maybe you are worried about judgment and shame. You don’t need to worry about that, but the truth of the matter is most new moms do.

And if the postpartum pooch is one contributing factor, just imagine how proud of yourself you will feel to show off your strong body when you are with your husband.

It’s not about what your husband will think, but it’s really about how you feel when you are with him.

7. Improve your overall quality of life

You are absolutely right that losing the postpartum pooch will improve your overall quality of life.

When all other things fall into place like we mentioned above, your mood, confidence, posture, energy, pain levels and relationship with your partner…when all these improve, your entire life improves.

Everything you do comes with ease. You also start to look at life more differently. You start to see the brighter side of things.

Rather than being grumpy and ungrateful, you start to feel joy and comfort in all the things you do. Life just gets really good when you feel good on a daily basis. And when you feel good about yourself.

If you are ready to get started with the first steps into feeling good, to losing the postpartum pooch and to getting a flatter stomach so your confidence can finally come back to you, then start with my FREE training, Postpartum Abs 101: How To Safely Start Postpartum Ab Exercises in Less Than 2 Minutes A Day.


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**It is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Always warm up thoroughly and stretch after all workouts. and Jena Bradley will be not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

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