Time blocking your way to consistent workouts sounds like a far-fetched dream, but this can be your reality: regularly scheduled workouts without missing a beat. Learn more! 


time block to consistent workouts

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Feeling burnt out? Overwhelmed? The grind of work and childcare and sleep might make you feel like there’s no hope and you’re never going to have the time to work out. 

If you are serious about getting your daily routines in place, serious about having less chaos and more peace, and wanting to have more free time and free space… then this article is for you. 

Let’s dive into how you can time block to help you have consistent workout habits in your busy day as a new mom.


time block to consistent workouts

Modeling Good Workout Habits

Think about this…are you modeling the life you want your kids to live when they are adults? Are you hustling all the time teaching your kids to hustle when they are older to the point where they don’t have enough time to work out when they are older? Or are you modeling good habits and good behavior where you have devoted the time every single day to your workouts?

Are you in a rhythm of blocking off time every day not necessarily just for an intense workout, but also for a day of stretching? 

In today’s world, we are in the habit of filling our time with things that don’t challenge us. That’s why a lot of us resort to social media. It numbs the mind and gives us an “easy grab and go” thing to do to fill the void of doing something else that’s hard. Social media requires little sweat and little effort.

Exercise takes intention. It takes real work. And it takes discipline.

Stop The Excuses

Are you ready to stop the excuses? If you have a lot of reasons why you don’t have time to work out, it’s time to stop the excuses. Now is the time to look at those excuses and figure out a way to do something about it.

Everybody has the same 24 hours in a day, and what you choose to do with it is up to you.

Are you choosing more time for social media? Probably. It’s an addiction. We need to work hard to break the addiction of social media. Instead, substitute that time with fitness. 

What Is Time Blocking?

Time blocking is a time management technique where you divide your day into blocks of time and assign specific tasks or activities to each block. This method helps individuals plan their day more efficiently and ensures that important tasks are prioritized and completed.
time block to consistent workouts

What Are The Benefits Of Time Blocking?

Let’s get right to it. The benefits of time blocking:

1. Enhanced Focus: Time blocking minimizes the decision fatigue that can come from constantly deciding what to do next. When you have a schedule, you just follow it.

2. Efficiency: Knowing you have a limited amount of time can push you to work more efficiently.

3. Visibility: It provides a clear visual representation of how you’re spending your time, making it easier to identify inefficiencies or areas that need adjustment.

4. Reduced Procrastination: Knowing that a specific task has a designated time can motivate you to tackle it then, rather than putting it off.

Overall, it seems like a no-brainer to implement time blocking into your lifestyle, especially since your days as a busy mom can be so unpredictable. Time blocking brings a sense of normalcy into your day.

For the rest of this article, we are going to dive deep into how time blocking can best help you as a mom who wants to be more consistent with working out. Let’s go.

How Do We Keep A Time Blocked Schedule?

Ok, let’s get a paper planner out. And if you don’t have one, you can also use a piece of paper. 

Create 7 columns for the 7 days of the week.

Get yourself some colorful markers or pens so we can block each time block off in different colors.

Draw horizontal lines across the calendar for each time block:

Morning Block: Blue (this is the time before your kids wake-up)

AM Block – Yellow (this is the time when you are with your family in the morning)

Work Block – Pink (this is the middle portion of the day, you are either working or you commit to doing household work or a side hussle)

PM Block – Green (this is when your work is done for the day)

Night Block – Purple (this is after your kids go to bed)

*Note: You can choose any colors you’d like. You can also make Morning and Night block the same color, and AM and PM block the same color and the Work block it’s own color.

You should have drawn out 4 horizontal lines for the 5 time blocks listed above. And that’s it. Pretty simple.

What you fill out after that is where everything falls into place and the schedule works for you and not against you. 

In each time block you are going to mark out when is the best time for you to work out. It should be consistent (same time block every day) and about the same length of time day after day. The more inconsistent your workouts are throughout the week, the more likely you are to not make a habit of these workouts. 


time block to consistent workouts

4 Tips to Keep In Mind When Time Blocking and Scheduling Workout Routines

1. Pick your ideal number of days to work out.

2. Pick your ideal time to work out, AKA, which time block is the best time block for your workout routine. Mark it in your calendar and highlight it if you have to.

3. Write it in your planner and put it inside your Google calendar.

This is what Chelsi Jo from Systemize your Life calls her hybrid method.

Chelsi Jo is the woman who taught me everything about time blocking, and she has her program called Systemize Your Life Academy that teaches in extensive detail how you can utilize time blocks and routines to help be highly productive and efficient as a busy mom.

If you are struggling to keep up with your day-to-day tasks, including squeezing in your workout as a busy mom, her program, Systemize Your Life Academy, can help you really fine tune your schedule and create extra time in your day that you never seem to be able to find. 

I’ve been in this program for almost a year now, and I can truly say it has been life changing for me, my husband and my kids. We have free time, which we never could say we had in the past. Join Systemize Your Life Academy and create extra time in your day (plus she promises you can reduce your to-do list by 95%, I did!)

4. The last tip is to avoid scheduling anything else during the time you scheduled your workout in that time block. Sure, you can have other routines within the time block, but don’t double book yourself during the routine of working out.

time block to consistent workouts

Maintaining Consistent Workout Routines


When you time block you’ll be able to maintain a consistent workout routine that is highly effective. It allows you to prioritize your fitness goals just as you would other important tasks in your day.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you incorporate your workout regimen into a time blocking strategy:

time block to consistent workouts
1. Set Clear Fitness Goals:
      • Before diving into time blocking, clarify what you want to achieve with your workouts. This could be losing weight, building muscle, improving stamina, or maintaining general health.
      • Knowing your goals will help you decide the type, frequency, and duration of workouts you’ll need.
2. Determine Workout Frequency and Duration:
      • Decide how many times a week you want to work out and for how long each session. For example, you might aim for four 45-minute sessions each week.
3. Choose Optimal Times:
    • Reflect on when you feel most energetic and motivated. Are you a morning person or do you prefer evening workouts?
    • Block out these times in your schedule. Treat them as non-negotiable appointments.
time block to consistent workouts
4. Plan Your Workouts:
  • Within each blocked time, specify the type of workout you’ll be doing. This could be strength training, cardio, yoga, etc. 
  • Having a clear plan prevents wasting time deciding what to do once you start and keeps you on track. If you are looking for a workout plan, you can find my 30-Day Ab Workout calendar for beginners here. I also have a postpartum calendar version here
5. Preparation Blocks:
      • Consider adding a short block of time before your workout for preparation. This can include getting into workout attire, setting up any equipment, warming up, and mentally preparing.
      • Similarly, allocate time for cooling down, stretching, and post-workout routines like showering or refueling with a snack.
6. Account for Travel Time (if needed):
      • If you’re going to a gym or a specific location to exercise, remember to block out travel time.
7. Schedule Regular Reviews:
      • Once a month, review your progress and see if you’ve been consistent. If certain time blocks aren’t working, adjust them.
      • This is also a good time to mix up your workout routine if you feel like you’re plateauing or getting bored.
8. Set Reminders:
      • Use digital calendars, apps, or alarms to remind you when it’s time to start your workout.
9. Stay Flexible but Committed:
    • Life can be unpredictable. If you miss a workout, reschedule it as soon as possible rather than skipping it entirely.
    • If you consistently miss workouts during a particular time block, reevaluate if that time is genuinely optimal for you.
time block to consistent workouts
10. Integrate Rest Days:
  • Remember that rest is an essential part of any fitness routine. Block out rest days where you might focus on lighter activities or complete rest.


11. Track Your Progress:
  • Keep a log or journal of your workouts. Over time, this can motivate you as you see improvements and can help you adjust workouts as needed.

12. Consider Social Workouts:
  • If you enjoy group workout classes, running with friends, or other social fitness activities, block those times in, too. They can serve as both a workout and socialization, improving your chances of commitment.

By treating your workout sessions with the same importance and structure as other important events in your life, you improve your commitment and increase the likelihood of maintaining consistency.

What Are The Best Time Blocking Apps?


If you don’t like paper planners and you want to use a time blocking app, you can find some of the best ones here in this list below. Using apps to time block makes the process of managing your days and weeks easier and streamlined. So let’s take a look.

1. Sunsama– This is a good app for daily planning. Sunsama is simple and user friendly. It will allow you to categorize and sub categorize tasks. This integrates nicely with other apps such as Trello, Gmail and Outlook.

2. TickTick– When you time block, you’ll want an app that helps you to separate the high priority tasks from all the other low priority things . And TickTick is the perfect app for that. It allows you to organize tasks according to Urgent & Important, Urgent & Unimportant, Not Urgent & Important, and Not Urgent & Unimportant.

3. Sorted^3– Sorted^3 is considered the best free app to time block for Apple users. It allows you to sync to iCloud and provides seamless access to your schedule across all your Apple devices. Hyper-schedulers will appreciate the app features that allow you to categorize all your errands, notes and groceries as you schedule them.

4. SkedPal– This app is one of the most customizable. It allows you to create small detailed, recurring schedules, set minimum block lengths, add custom buffers before and after blocks, and more. You can also build your own Time Maps to customize the timeframe for “afternoons,” “working hours,” “weekdays,” etc.

Time Blocking Templates


I mentioned earlier that I’ve been using Chelsi Jo’s Systemize Your Life Academy. Her program has been life changing for me and my family and now you can get access to her FREE Time Blocking Workbook here. She breaks down the basics and the methods that leave you with more free time all while being the most productive. You’re going to love it!


Let’s Review!

To quickly review, here are the 4 tips to time block and ultimately make more time for your daily workout. 

  1. Pick your ideal number of days to work out
  2. Pick your ideal time block to work out
  3. Write it in your planner and put it inside your Google calendar. 
  4. Avoid scheduling anything else during your scheduled time block

You can do this, momma!

Remember to connect with us in our Workout Challenge Free Facebook group for additional support. Let us know how your time blocks are going. Have you found that it changed your life like mine? Or do you need help and feel stuck? I’m here to support you all the way!

  This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.         *

*It is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Always warm up thoroughly and stretch after all workouts. LiveCoreStrong.com and Jena Bradley will be not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

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