Motivational Monday Post 22: Influence

by Feb 18, 2019Motivational Monday0 comments

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I know my job as a mom is the most important job I will ever have. God orchestrated our lives in such a way that one day we will be a mom. 


Motivational Monday’s are geared to inspire moms. We have a special duty to fulfill, don’t we?


We work 24/7, we are always on the go, we have eyes behind our heads peaking through our dry-shampooed hair, and even if our ears are plugged with ear plugs and we can still hear every little thing our kids do that is wrong and that is right!

You Are A Super Mom!

We are all super moms! I truly believe that. We, unlike anyone else in our child’s lives, have an influence on them that is so powerful.


Our quote for today is:


“Your influence as a mother is powerful. Don’t waste it. Little eyes are watching you.”


Since we can all agree that our influence on our children is oh so powerful, let’s make the most of it, shall we?


And let’s make sure we use our power wisely.

Our Role As A Mom

It’s easy to take advantage of our role as a mom or the fact that we are bigger than our children and have the ability to boss them around, dictate and control, but is that really what we are supposed to be doing as moms?


Our little ones are watching our every move. They are absorbing every expression, every word and every action like a sponge. They remember things about ourselves more clearly than we probably do.


Related: Motivational Monday: Lead By Example


You have heard the expression “More Is Caught Than Taught”. Always keep that in mind! Our little ones are watching us and learning our every move.


Has your two year old started saying words, new words, maybe unwanted words, that you didn’t spend the time teaching them but you know she picked it up by listening to YOU speak?


Or has your 4 year old started a new bad habit because maybe they caught you doing the same thing?


Has your 8 year old started complaining about petty things just like you might be doing on a day to day basis?


Or has your 12 year old been obsessed with his phone, because all he does is watch his mom on the phone and he thinks it’s normal?


Hey, we are all guilty of being a negative influence on our children in some way.

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    We All Have Our Faults As Moms…and it’s OK!

    I’m somewhat of a perfectionist and a clean freak. I like to be tidy, and I tend to have a place for everything. Well, at least I try to put everything in it’s place.


    I wouldn’t say it’s a good trait to be a perfectionist, and I know that sometimes this influence on my children can be a bit much for these little ones to handle.


    My influence on my girls shouldn’t be focused on having them perfectly put all their books away, and setting up their barbie dolls all perfectly in their barbie house.


    But instead I should have a more meaningful influence on them.


    Teaching them the Bible and God’s word, giving them words of wisdom, modeling good behavior and have a calm temperament, setting a good example of hard work ethic/dedication and modeling respectful behavior are just some examples that come to mind.


    What influence do you want to have on your children? What values and behaviors are most important to you and your family?


    Take a moment and think about how you might need to make a change so that you are influencing your children the right way and not in a negative way.


    Comment below with your ideas! I would love to hear from you, and I know other moms would too!

    Keep Smiling,

    Dr. Jena Bradley, DPT

    This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.


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