Want an ab program that you can take with you throughout motherhood? These 7 ab exercises are safe for pregnant and postpartum workouts.

Ab exercises that are safe during pregnancy and postpartum recovery

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You are so ready to do something good for yourself as a mom. But you struggle to stay consistent with practically anything these days, and staying consistent with workouts seems to be the hardest of them all. Why is that?

There’s a lot of derailment going on, baby cries, baby poops, baby wakes up, baby needs a toy. Whatever it is, we drop what we are doing to make sure our baby is happy and comforted. No wonder so many moms struggle to stay consistent with their workout habits. 

Our babies are kicking us out of rhythm. It’s a season though. Just remember, it’s only a season and it will get better. But during this difficult season, you still need to keep your head in the game and focus on what’s most important to you. 

Just keep a mental focus on fitness even if you can’t actually work out. 

But today I’m going to give you some easy exercises you can do for a workout at home. And the fun part is that these exercises are all about the core. 


Live Core Strong


You know I love the core, it’s my favorite part of the body because it’s the most important part of the body.

A majority of our organs are housed here. And the core is what holds our bodies up.

Without a strong core, our arms and legs can’t work at their optimal level, so let’s get that core strong now, rather than later. As a new mom, our core muscles are so weak after pregnancy. No wonder – they were being stretched out for 9 months!

That’s one of many reasons why I always want to encourage you to start with your core when you are ready to do a workout postpartum.

By the end of this article you will have 7 completely safe core exercises you can do while you are going through postpartum recovery to help improve your core strength and stability. And great news…these exercises are safe to do during pregnancy too!

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    Are ab exercises safe during pregnancy?


    Abdominal exercises can be safe during pregnancy if performed with caution and under the guidance of a healthcare professional. However, it’s essential to consider the following things. 

    Traditional ab exercises like sit-ups and crunches may not be recommended during pregnancy, especially in the later stages, as they can strain the abdominal muscles and potentially increase the risk of diastasis recti (separation of the abdominal muscles). Instead, focus on the exercises above that engage the core without putting excess strain on it. These 2nd trimester exercises are also approved as safe. 

    Pay close attention to how your body responds to exercises. If you feel any discomfort, pain, or dizziness, stop the exercise immediately and consult your healthcare provider.

    Ab exercises can be safe during pregnancy when done with proper guidance and modifications. 

    Are ab exercises safe during postpartum recovery?


    Yes they can be. But, ultimately, the safety of ab exercises during postpartum recovery depends on your individual circumstances and the guidance of your healthcare provider. Working with a certified postpartum fitness specialist or physical therapist can be beneficial in creating a safe and effective exercise plan tailored to your needs.

    Before starting any exercise postpartum, it’s crucial to wait for approval from your healthcare provider, typically at the postpartum checkup, which is usually scheduled around 6 weeks after delivery. This ensures that your body has had enough time to heal. However, if you are looking for lighter exercises during that 6 week wait you can check out this article for great ways to keep your body active. 

    Postpartum ab exercises should primarily concentrate on rebuilding core strength and addressing pelvic floor health. Exercises like Kegels, gentle pelvic tilts, and diaphragmatic breathing can help activate and strengthen these areas.

    You can slowly increase the intensity and complexity of your ab exercises as you progress in your postpartum recovery. Patience is key, as it can take several months or longer to regain pre-pregnancy core strength.


    Things to avoid during ab workouts during pregnancy


     When doing ab workouts during pregnancy, it’s essential to prioritize safety and comfort. Here are some things to avoid during ab exercises while pregnant:

    After the first trimester, avoid exercises that require you to lie flat on your back for an extended period. This position can compress major blood vessels and potentially restrict blood flow to the uterus. You’ll also want to avoid ab exercises that involve jumping, sudden movements, or any activity that could strain the abdominal muscles or cause discomfort.

    Twisting motions can strain the abdominal muscles and may not be comfortable during pregnancy. It’s best to keep your movements controlled and gentle. Traditional sit-ups and crunches can place undue stress on the abdominal muscles, especially as your pregnancy progresses. 

    Maintain proper form during ab exercises to avoid strain or injury. If you’re uncertain about your form, consider working with a certified prenatal fitness instructor. A big tip for proper form is to not hold your breath during ab exercises. Proper breathing is essential to maintain oxygen flow to both you and your baby. Inhale during the resting phase and exhale during the exertion phase of the exercise.

    It is so important to avoid overexerting yourself or pushing to the point of exhaustion. Pregnancy is not the time to set personal records or engage in strenuous workouts. Stay well-hydrated and exercise in a cool environment to prevent overheating, which can be harmful during pregnancy. If you feel any discomfort, pain, or dizziness during an ab exercise, stop immediately. Listen to your body and make modifications as needed.


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    Things to avoid during ab workouts during early postpartum recovery


    During the early postpartum recovery phase, it’s crucial to approach ab workouts with care and avoid activities that could potentially hinder your healing or cause discomfort. The same tips above for pregnancy apply here to postpartum recovery.

    In addition, you’ll want to avoid lifting heavy weights or objects, as this can strain your core and pelvic floor muscles. Lift with caution and use proper lifting techniques when necessary.

    And always be patient with your postpartum recovery. It can take several months, or even longer, to regain your core strength. Focus on gradual progress and listen to your body.

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    Signs to look out for if you are doing the wrong ab exercise during pregnancy


    During pregnancy, it’s crucial to be aware of the signs that you might be doing the wrong ab exercise. Engaging in inappropriate ab exercises can potentially cause discomfort or harm. Here are a few signs to look out for:

    If you experience any pain or discomfort in your abdominal region, back, or pelvis during or after an ab exercise, it’s a clear sign that the exercise may not be suitable for you. Discontinue the exercise immediately. If you feel a significant strain or pressure in your abdomen while doing the exercise, it’s an indication that you may be overexerting your abdominal muscles, which can be harmful during pregnancy.

    If you become breathless or have difficulty breathing during an ab exercise, it’s a sign that the exercise might not be appropriate. Proper breathing is crucial during pregnancy, and any exercise that compromises your ability to breathe comfortably should be avoided. If you experience dizziness or lightheadedness during an ab exercise, it’s a sign that the exercise might be too strenuous or that you’re not getting enough oxygen. Stop the exercise and rest.

    It’s important to observe your abdomen for any coning or bulging. Coning is when the central line of your abdomen protrudes during an exercise, indicating undue stress on the abdominal muscles. If you notice this, stop the exercise immediately. If you feel increased discomfort or pain in your abdomen or lower back after performing an ab exercise, it’s an indication that the exercise may not be suitable for your pregnancy.

    If you experience any urinary incontinence during an ab exercise, it’s a sign that the exercise may be putting too much strain on your pelvic floor. Properly engage your pelvic floor muscles to prevent this. If at any time you have a general feeling of unease or something just doesn’t feel right during an ab exercise, trust your instincts and stop the exercise.

    Always prioritize safety and comfort when exercising during pregnancy. If you’re unsure about the appropriateness of a particular ab exercise, consult with a healthcare provider or a certified prenatal fitness specialist to ensure you’re making the right choices for your individual needs and stage of pregnancy.


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    Signs to look out for if you are doing the wrong ab exercise during postpartum recovery


     The same signs apply here for postpartum as well. When engaging in ab exercises during postpartum recovery, it’s important to watch for signs that indicate you might be doing the wrong exercises or overexerting yourself. If you feel excessive strain or pressure in your abdomen, it’s an indication that you might be overexerting your abdominal muscles. This can slow down the healing process, so adjust or avoid the exercise.

    Experiencing pain or discomfort in the abdominal region, back, or pelvis during or after an ab exercise is a clear sign that the exercise may not be suitable for your postpartum body. Stop the exercise if you feel any pain.

    Postpartum recovery is a delicate process, and it’s essential to prioritize your well-being. Consult with a healthcare provider or a postpartum fitness specialist to ensure you’re making the right exercise choices for your individual needs and recovery progress. Listen to your body and adjust your exercise routine as necessary to support a safe and effective recovery.

    1. Abdominal Bracing


    Lie on your back with knees bent (starting position), tuck in your belly as if you are trying to pull your belly button down towards the ground. 

    It’s the same thing you would do if you were trying to “brace” yourself if someone was going to punch you in the stomach. Hold for 10 seconds, release and then repeat for one minute. Remember to not hold your breath but breathe throughout the exercise. 

    If lying flat on your back is uncomfortable, you can do this exercise lying at an incline with pillows propped under your back. 

    2. Quadruped Abdominal Bracing


    While on your hands and knees, draw your belly button in (like you are lifting it to the ceiling), tighten your abdominal muscles and hold for 5-10 seconds, continue to breathe and count out loud. Then relax. Repeat 5-10 times. 

    3. Quadruped Alternating Arms + Legs


    While on your hands and knees, draw your belly button in (like you are lifting it to the ceiling), tighten your abdominal muscles and alternate lifting Right arm and Left leg so they are parallel with the floor. Hold for 2-5 seconds, and then alternate to lift Left arm and Right leg. Continue to breathe and count out loud while repeating this exercise. Repeat 5-10 times on each side. 

    4. Cat Camel


    Position your body in a quadruped position which means being on all 4’s (hands and knees). Arch your back to make it rounded (like a scared cat) and then dip your back down to create the curve of a camel’s back (as seen in picture). Repeat this 10-20 times to improve flexibility of the spine and tone your core.

    5. Side Plank on Table Top


    Find a stable surface such as a countertop or a heavy kitchen table or desk. Place one hand on the edge of the table and walk your feet away from the surface.

    The further away your feet are from the table and the lower the table is, the harder the side plank. Find a comfortable position where you are not straining and hold the side plank while maintaining a tight core; keep your spine in a straight line from the top of your head down to your feet.

    6. Mountain Climber on Wall


    Begin by standing in front of a wall with your feet positioned slightly away from the wall at a comfortable position. Alternate bringing one knee up to your chest, right and then left. Repeat while maintaining a tight core throughout all movements. 

    7. Standing Side Leg Lift


    While standing and maintaining good posture and balance, raise one leg out to the side while keeping your knee straight.

    Raise your leg up to the point of comfort, but not too high where you sway your back.

    Maintain an upright position and keep your core tight as you lift.

    Slowly lower your leg down without letting it touch the ground.

    Continue to lift and lower your leg for 10 reps and then repeat with the other leg.

    7 Pregnancy and Postpartum Ab Exercises You Can Do Safely


    Let’s review the 7 exercises you can do during postpartum recovery:

    1. Abdominal bracing
    2. Quadruped Abdominal Bracing
    3. Quadruped Alternating Arm and leg
    4. Cat Camel
    5. Side Plank on Table Top
    6. Mountain Climber on Wall
    7. Standing Side Leg Lift

    The good news is, you can do these 7 exercises if you are pregnant too! Yep, if you are in the second or third trimester, you can do these exercises and maintain your core strength with a pregnant belly. Or if you plan to get pregnant again, keep these exercises stored away for future use.  

    I never want you to stop working out your core. Having a set of safe core exercises is crucial to your lifelong commitment of living with a  strong core. If you have a friend or sister who is pregnant, share these exercises with her. I know she would be grateful.

    So what do you think? Share with us over in the free Facebook community group for moms. And let me know if you tried these ab exercises that are safe during pregnancy and postpartum recovery. You can still stay active and live core strong through pregnancy and postpartum!

    This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.

    *It is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Always warm up thoroughly and stretch after all workouts. LiveCoreStrong.com and Jena Bradley will be not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

    Ab exercises that are safe during pregnancy and postpartum recovery

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