Just had found out you are pregnant and want to know everything there is to know about pregnancy life? Great, you came to the right place. We will hit up the top 10 pregnancy topics new moms are wishing they new more about!

TOP 10 POSTPARTUM TOPICS Every New Mom Needs To Know About




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If you are newly pregnant or you are in the thick of pregnancy right now and you don’t know how to navigate through all the changes that occur as your pregnancy develops, then you’ll want to become more familiar with these top 10 pregnancy hot topics.

You can go through pregnancy being surprised with each new stage, new feeling, new surprise that comes your way, or you can become familiar with what pregnancy has in store for you and be prepared for what’s ahead feeling confident and healthy to take on motherhood like a champ.

Continue reading to learn the top 10 most talked about topics as it relates to pregnancy.


Postpartum Depression

1. Pregnancy Due Date Calculator


If you haven’t done so already, join the Baby Center mailing list and register your pregnancy due date in their app calculator to get weekly and monthly updates on the growth of your baby. It’s absolutely amazing to see how big your baby is getting inside your belly (and what fruit or vegetable your baby is the size of)!

Postpartum Support Group

2. Pregnancy Symptoms


Not sure what symptoms to look for when you are newly pregnant? Or maybe you are not sure if your symptoms are normal or not. Lots of changes are happening and everything seems quite weird, uncomfortable, nauseating and just out of whack. Definitely check out the Mayo Clinic’s list of pregnancy symptoms for more clarity. 

Related: 33 Things To Do Before Having A Baby


50 Positive Postpartum Affirmations and Quotes

3. Pregnancy Nausea and Morning Sickness

This is just the worst, morning sickness and nausea during the first trimester of pregnancy. Some even experience it for the second and a third trimester. The good news is there are ways to treat it and make the nausea more mild so that you can carry on with your day and enjoy life being pregnant. Get the full list of morning sickness home remedies here: WebMD

Postpartum Recovery

4. Pregnancy Cravings and Food


 The cravings, they are here and they are here with a vengeance. Food cravings during pregnancy are real, and they are completely different for every mom. But what should you do with these food cravings? Should you feed them or try to manage the unhealthy craving and move to a healthier choice? Learn more about food cravings during pregnancy and what you can do to best satisfy them.

Postpartum Depression

5. Pregnancy Clothes 

Pregnancy clothes, so cute and so fun these days. Definitely check out this amazing round up of the best places to shop online for maternity clothes for all categories.

Do you want to know my absolute favorite place to shop for maternity clothes?

Belly Bandit. They are the absolute best company to buy from to get stylish, high grade compression leggings. See for yourself on their website, and definitely don’t forget to order your postpartum belly wrap before baby arrives.


Postpartum Workout

6. Pregnancy Headaches

With the sudden changes in hormones, especially in the first trimester, it is common for new moms to experience headaches and migraines during pregnancy.

This can be treated safely with the right medication that is prescribed by your OBGYN. Be sure to schedule an appointment when you first experience a prenatal headache so you can start treatment sooner rather than later. Learn more about pregnancy headaches here: Healthline 

Postpartum Nutrition Mom and Baby

7. Pregnancy Nutrition


This should be at the top of every newly pregnant mom’s list of topics to research because healthy nutrition during pregnancy is crucial.

Your body depends on it, your baby will thrive because of it and your life will be better because of it. So make healthy food choices from the get-go; the moment you see the positive pregnancy test in your hands.

Not sure what foods are the best choices during pregnancy? Start with this list of nutrient rich pregnancy foods that will help your baby thrive the most.


“Eating a nutritious diet during pregnancy is linked to good brain development and a healthy birth weight, and can reduce the risk of many birth defects. A balanced diet will also reduce the risks of anemia, as well as other unpleasant pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue and morning sickness.” –Healthline

8. Pregnancy Weight Gain Clairty

You might start to develop small weight gain early on during pregnancy. Before you know it, the weight starts to add up unexpectedly to unhealthy amounts as you move further along during pregnancy.

Be sure to take a quick moment to learn what a healthy weight gain amount is and how many calories you should consume to remain healthy throughout the pregnancy.

Medlineplus states that you should gain somewhere between 25 and 35 pounds (11.5 to 16 kilograms) during pregnancy. Read more about weight gain during pregnancy and where the weight actually comes from (hint, it’s not just all from baby and fluids).

Related: 14 Best Pregnancy Exercises Safe For All Trimesters + Video

9. Diabetes During Pregnancy


Diabetes during pregnancy, also known as gestational diabetes, is not something to take lightly when given the diagnosis. I’m not trying to scare you, but I’m in the medical field and I feel strongly about managing gestational diabetes with the correct diet and exercise.

The negative consequences of this disease can be drastically decreased by your simple actions of making healthy food choices and committing to regular exercise. Your baby’s health and your own health depend on it.

Continue to read more about the symptoms and side effects of gestational diabetes during pregnancy


10. Prenatal Exercise


Speaking of exercise, did you know you CAN and you should exercise during pregnancy. It’s completely safe as long as you do prenatal workouts instructed by a trained professional.

Don’t just do any ordinary workout, but look for workouts such as prenatal yoga or prenatal cardio friendly workouts to keep in shape throughout all 3 trimesters of pregnancy.

Not sure where to even begin?

I recommend starting with my pregnancy-friendly total body workout.

A bonus exercise for you to do during pregnancy is Kegels. Learn what Kegels are and how you can incorporate them into your everyday life. 

And don’t forget this Labor and Delivery workout that will help speed up childbirth.

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*It is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Always warm up thoroughly and stretch after all workouts. LiveCoreStrong.com and Jena Bradley will be not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

TOP 10 POSTPARTUM TOPICS Every New Mom Needs To Know About

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