What Moms Are Saying About Postpartum Ab Rehab

by Apr 1, 2020




Postpartum Ab Rehab is a simple, strategic program to help you get your pre-pregnancy body back and fully restore your core postpartum. See what many other moms have said about the program and how they have been able to regain their confidence post-pregnancy.




This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.


Hoping you’ll get your pre-pregnancy body back quickly? I’ve been there.

When my first daughter was born, I had confidence I would quickly bounce back into my skinny jeans until I looked under the hospital gown to see a whole lot of stomach still left over from pregnancy. I, being a bit naive, thought that since I was healthy throughout my pregnancy, my stomach should go back to normal after I birthed my baby, right? I was completely unaware of what was normal for a postpartum stomach to look and feel like. That being said, I needed to figure out a plan to feel like my normal self again. 

I spent time researching and learning the right way to exercise my core now that I was a new mom. Incorporating my physical therapy background into my new research really helped me hone in on the perfect postpartum program. It worked, and I was shocked how quickly I was able to get my stomach to be flat again after just having a baby. Since I had such great success with my first pregnancy, I did the same program with the following 3 pregnancies. With each pregnancy I saw the same success. 

Other moms asked me what I did for my postpartum workouts. They noticed how quickly I was able to restore my core while they struggled for months upon months after they had their baby. That’s when I realized that there’s a lack of education for pregnant and postpartum moms when it comes to postpartum recovery. I knew it was simple to get a flat belly after having a baby, and I knew what exercises are most effective at getting this job done. However, I didn’t know how many other moms were unaware. I thought, “If only they knew what exercises to do and when to do them and how to execute the plan throughout the 4th trimester – then they would have the same success as me!” 

I want you to have the same success that I had with all 4 of my pregnancies. So, I have created Postpartum Ab Rehab: A Simple 12 Week Program To Safely Restore Your Core. The design of this program is based on proven exercises that are effective for core strengthening and are used among thousands of physical therapists. It consists of simple exercises that any new mom who is recovering from childbirth can enjoy without dread. Having a plan that you can have confidence in and rely upon amidst the chaos of having a new baby makes your postpartum recovery experience so less stressful. Less stress = more success!

Related: Postpartum Ab Rehab: A Simple 12 Week Program To Safely Restore Your Core

Thank you so much to the many, many of you who snagged your copy of Postpartum Ab Rehab already! So many moms have already commented on the book!

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Learn exactly what exercises you should be doing during the 6 week postpartum wait.
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    This eBook is a Godsend to any new busy mom looking to get her postpartum recovery off to the right start! Especially if you are looking to get back into working out postpartum this book will teach you how to do it the right way! If you jump back into exercise too quickly after having a baby you can easily incur injury or make residual symptoms of pregnancy like DR even worse! Dr. Jena goes into so much detail in this book about proper postpartum recovery. She starts you from the time of having your baby and walks you through exactly how to best recover your core to once again get a flat belly postpartum step by step. Postpartum recovery is a marathon, not a sprint and Dr. Jena knows exactly how to approach it as such. Her gentle exercises are extremely detailed and aid in strengthening you as a new mom from the inside out. I was so surprised that when beginning with some of the abdominal bracing exercises at the very beginning of her program that seem so easy while doing them, that I was actually sore (good exercise sore) the next day! Revealing to me how much the stretching of carrying a baby had weakened my muscles postpartum, and how deeply you truly need to strengthen yourself before progressing to more difficult workouts. This program walks you through postpartum abdominal repair step-by-step to do just that. From a very specific gentle and progressive exercise routine, to how to best adjust to the strenuous new physical positions of motherhood (like postural suggestions for the hours of breastfeeding you are suddenly thrown into). This eBook covers it all! Within only 12 weeks “Postpartum Ab Rehab” will have strengthened your core so deeply that your body will be ready to tackle any exercise routine! Thank you for this wonderful program Dr. Jena!  


    Vigor It Out

    This book is so helpful and detailed! The images and action steps make it super easy to follow and understand. I also love that there is a precise schedule that can guide any mom through the entire process.


    Just Simply Mom

    Dr. Jena’s blog was a huge help when I was recovering from my first pregnancy. I have really enjoyed reading Postpartum Ab Rehab now that I am pregnant with my second child. I know that I will be able to use this 12 week program to recover even faster than the first time, in a safe and healthy way. 


    This book is a must-have resource for anyone looking to start their postpartum fitness journey. It clearly lays out everything you should be doing (and, more importantly, what you should NOT be doing!), and it shows you how to gradually build a workout routine to support those amazing abs that have done so much work in the last nine months! When I have my next baby, I’m going to end up with the best abs I’ve ever had in my life following this routine! 

    Kate Martin


    I found Postpartum Ab Rehab late in my postpartum recovery journey, but what I have learned from reading this book is invaluable. The program is simple to follow and the exercises are excellent for targeting the right muscles to restore my core.


    Dr. Bradley’s book is full of insight and inspiration to get you back in shape after having your baby. With clear step-by-step instructions she guides you towards a healthy core and a happy mindset.


    Postpartum Ab Rehab is a fantastic resource for new moms and moms-to-be. If you’re pregnant and hoping to make your postpartum body a priority, read this book! It’s like having a friend who is an expert in postpartum recovery sit down and walk you through exactly what to do and what not to do. This is a perfect step-by-step guide for new moms looking to regain their physical health and confidence the right way.



    This book is an amazing resource for moms after having a baby. I love the action steps after each chapter and how it really breaks down how to care for your postpartum body day by day. It even includes questions to ask your primary care provider that I would have never thought of. The program Dr. Jena outlines is simple, yet challenging. But perhaps my favorite part is the encouragement she offers throughout the book for moms to take it slow and respect their bodies during this precious time.


    Birth Eat Love

    This Postpartum Ab Rehab Book is amazing! Jena does such a great job of breaking down each step from day of delivery to beyond your 6 week check up.  The nerd in me even loves the little pockets of anatomy lessons throughout. The exercises she gives, the pictures, and worksheets she includes are all so helpful with postpartum recovery because we all know postpartum recovery can be forever if not done right the first time.


    A Peach In The Queen City

    Getting into shape after pregnancy is hard, especially trying to heal your core and loose the postpartum pooch! Dr. Jena’s book walks you through each phase of recovery step by step and makes it easy for any mama to get back into shape after having a baby! She tells you exactly what to do, what to avoid and gives you the most effective ways to get your pre-baby belly back!

    Heather Langley, RN

    With Coffee and Chaos

    Dr. Jena Bradley’s Postpartum Ab Rehab is one of the most informative core rehab guides I’ve seen! As a currently pregnant mama, I’m looking forward to using this guide to help strengthen and rehabilitate my core after my baby is born. The guide is not only a 12-week rehab program, but it also goes into tremendous details to help you better understand your core, it’s role in pregnancy/birth and the postpartum changes you can expect to experience AND the rehab work it takes for restoration. I cannot say enough great things about this guide and I’m looking forward to putting it all into action here soon .🙂


    Fit Mommy Strong

    If you’ve enjoyed learning about pregnancy, postpartum and fitness from Dr. Jena Bradley at Live Core Strong, then you are going to love her new ebook, Postpartum Ab Rehab: A Simple 12 Week Program To Safely Restore Your Core!
    I remember when I was returning to work after my maternity leave I was crushed that I had to buy all new clothes to accommodate my new tummy.  I really wish I had this book after my first son was born!  I suffered from diastasis recti and still looked 5 months pregnant despite my efforts on the elliptical.  This program was exactly what I needed!  Dr. Bradley makes getting rid of your mommy pouch attainable, by combining her first-hand knowledge of postpartum recovery with her expertise in physical therapy!  Whether you are a few weeks or a few years postpartum this program works!

    Super Mom Picks

    I wish I had a book like this after my first to prepare me for postpartum, luckily I have it in time for baby girl #2! It is a must have for all mommas ready to get their tummy back. I was impressed how Dr. Jena goes into detail with what to do once you give birth, the types of belly wraps to use and exercises to perform so you can bounce back in 12 weeks! Not to mention the worksheets provided to keep track of your progress. I love it and highly recommend this book to all mommies! 

    Thank you Dr. Jena!!!

    Mamas Dreaming

    After having three children, I never thought I would feel confident wearing a bathing suit. I knew my kids didn’t care what I looked like, but deep down it still bothered me. This amazing resource not only made me feel healthier and stronger, but it gave me back my confidence- which to me is priceless. I would recommend this to all mothers, as a way to get your pre-pregnancy body back and feel like yourself again. It is easy to follow, and actually fun!


    Simply Snapping Mom

    I’m excited to see how you as a new mom use the program aoutlined in Postpartum Ab Rehab to help restore your core, feel better about your body again and regain your confidence post-pregnancy.

    If you haven’t had a chance to pop over and check it out yet, I invite you to do so right now. Let’s make this the moment when you decide you no longer want to carry that baby weight around any more but instead want to feel like yourself again.


    This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.



    **It is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Always warm up thoroughly and stretch after all workouts. Jena Bradley LLC, LiveCoreStrong.com and Jena Bradley will be not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

    About Dr. Jena Bradley
    About Dr. Jena Bradley

    Jena is a mom of 4 darling little girls, a physical therapist and founder of Live Core Strong, a blog focusing on motivating moms to live a life that incorporates fitness and fun throughout their motherhood journey.  She aims to be the friend you always wanted to have who could guide you through the “fog” when faced with an “I don’t know what to do” mommy moment. At the most inconvenient time of her life, she embarked on a journey of sharing her story and expertise to inspire the next generation of healthy moms. You can learn more about Jena by visitng her ABOUT page. 

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    Hi there, friend! I’m Jena, a mom of 4 and a Physical Therapist with a passion to motivate moms! I want to inspire you to be your best self by sharing my experiences and trusted advice on motherhood, health and fitness.

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