If you are struggling to stay consistent with your workout routine then you will benefit from these 10 simple habits that will help you live a healthier lifestyle every day. 

This post contains affiliate links. For more information about consistent workout routine, see my disclosures here.



Being consistent with a workout routine is a challenge for many, especially moms.

There are so many unexpected things that go on throughout the day that offset your plans to do anything, including working out.

Some people are naturally consistent, diligent and reliable, but others need some help to stick to a plan, including a workout plan.

You’ll find this post to be very helpful for you if you are looking for ways to be more consistent with your workout routine.

I’ll list 10 simple everyday workout habits that you can start now to help your fitness journey be a success.

10 Everyday Workout Habits To Follow

1. Pick the same time of day to work out, no matter what.


This is the key to all routines. Morning routines, night routines, workout routines, it’s all centered around time.

Find a realistic time of the day that you know you can block off a short chunk of time to commit to working out.

Let’s say its 9 am. If 9 am, this should be a time where you typically are less busy, the kids are playing peacefully or maybe they are off to school. Set a daily alarm on your phone for 9 am.

Start working out at that same exact every day, and it will become a habit within a matter of weeks.

Pick the same time of day, every day, to work out, no matter what.

2. Wake up at the same time and go to bed at the same time every day.


It’s hard to stick to a routine if your morning and nighttime routines are off each day.

Everything flows naturally and easily when you consistently follow the same sleeping pattern every day.

You’ll have more energy, and your body will adapt to the sleeping pattern.

Related: Mommy & Me Workout: 7 Leg Exercises with Baby

If you are waking at the same time every day, then it’s easier to squeeze in your workout routine every day as well.


3. Find a trigger that will always remind you to work out immediately following that trigger.

This is key to success. Just like brushing your teeth every morning after eating breakfast, find a trigger to alert you that you will always workout after this one thing happens in your life.

Maybe it’s the morning alarm. The moment the alarm goes off, you work out.

Or maybe it’s putting the kids to bed. The instant the kids are in bed asleep, you go to the basement and do a quick workout.

Whatever that daily trigger is, be sure to never skip your workout after that trigger has occurred.


4. Have a spot designated for your workouts (whether that’s in the home or at a gym or a park).


Setting up a home gym can be a fantastic idea if you’re looking to avoid distractions and focus on your fitness goals.

Having a designated spot in your home acts as a reminder to work out.

Every time you walk by it, you know that you should be getting your workout in today.

Everything is in one place, and it’s easier to get started with your exercise routine.

Related: 16 Best Workout Essentials For A Beginner Home Gym

When there’s less distraction during your workout from outside influences in your home (like seeing the dirty dishes in clear view), you’ll have a more effective workout, and you’re more likely to want to come back again next time.

5. Have your fitness clothes easily accessible and ready to put on.


It’s so nice to wake up and have your athletic clothes already sitting out ready for you to get dressed and begin your day.

Put on those workout clothes first thing, and you’ll be ready to start working out without missing a beat.

Just the simple act of searching through your closet for an outfit will slow your progress down.

It also might be more tempting to put on a different outfit that is not suitable for exercise.

Just have everything ready to go, and even better, sleep in your clean workout clothes so you’ll be ready the moment your step out of bed. 

6. Have a workout plan in place.


This could be a doing the same YouTube video every Monday, or running the same distance on the treadmill 3 times a week, or following a specific workout calendar you found on Pinterest. 

Whatever workout plan you want to follow, make sure it is readily accessible and easy to track.

7. Track your progress on a workout calendar.


Either get a printable workout calendar or mark your planner; whatever you do, use a bright red pen and mark a big “X” on that date to signify that you exercised that day.

By the end of the month, you will see how successful you were at sticking to your workout routine. If you are unsatisfied with your results, fix it and do better next month.

Related: 17 Best Total Body Babywearing Exercises for your Mommy & Me Workout

8. Write one daily fitness goal every morning and check it off every night. 


Every morning you wake up, grab your little notebook or journal by your bedside and write down the date.

Beneath that, I want you to write down one goal, and one goal only.

This goal is something that you want to accomplish today, and I actually want you to accomplish it.

This should be a small, achievable goal such as “complete 10 minutes of ab exercises today at 7 am”.

When it’s night time, before going to bed, open up your journal and check off that you achieved that goal today.

This will help you to make small wins each day.

9. Communicate with your fitness accountability partner daily.

Find that one person who you know is trying to focus their lifestyle on fitness related goals such as yours.

Whoever that one person is, contact them and ask them if they could be your accountability partner.

It doesn’t have to be complicated; keep it simple! A quick text every day to check in is all it takes.

Have one person ask, “Did you work out today?” or “What was your workout today?”

This simple communication tactic will help trigger your mind to not skip the routine but to be true to your word.

You told your accountability partner you would work out so many days a week, so be sure you are honest with that person as to when you did and didn’t exercise.

10. Pick a workout that is enjoyable to you.


If you are doing some kind of Insanity workout that is way out of your comfort zone and you are dreading even waking up the next working to put on your workout shoes, then you know this workout routine is not meant for you (at the time being).

You should be looking forward to your workout program; there should be some excitement to start your first exercise.

If you are miserable the entire time, you’ll have less and less drive to do it the next day.

You need to keep the motivation alive with a workout program that is enjoyable and achievable.

Related: 30-Day Beginner Ab Workout Challenge + Workout Calendar

Find that perfect workout, whether it’s a video with a spunky workout instructor, or a fitness challenge that isn’t too challenging to start but has just the right amount of tempo to make you sweat.

You’ll know when you find it, and when you find that perfect workout program, go with it and go full force.

How To Stay Consistent With Exercise


With these 10 simple everyday habits you’re surely going to be able to commit to a consistent workout routine, even being a busy mom of a new baby or multiple kids.

1. Pick the same time of day to work out

2. Wake up and go to bed at the same time

3.  Find a trigger

4. Create a designated workout space

5.  Have your fitness clothes easily accessible and ready to put on

6. Have a workout plan in place

7. Track your progress on a workout calendar

8. Write one daily fitness goal every morning and check it off every night

9.  Communicate with your fitness accountability partner daily

10. Pick a workout that is enjoyable to you

It is possible. I’m a mom of 4, and I have a routine in place that I stick to. I try my very best to have a consistent morning wake up time and bedtime.

I have an accountability partner that checks on me and my workouts, I have been writing daily goals and am currently doing a 30 day ab challenge that I have been marking off on a printable calendar.

All these things combined help me stay accountable to myself and my fitness goals.

It wasn’t always easy, and it wasn’t always this way. I would get in a rut with the kids and get drowned in diapers. But I finally committed and knew that my life was so much better when I was healthier and exercising on a daily basis. 

What is your biggest struggle with working out as a busy mom? Continue reading this next post, How To Find Time To Exercise As A Busy Mom, for more inspiration. 

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.

*It is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Always warm up thoroughly and stretch after all workouts. LiveCoreStrong.com and Jena Bradley will be not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Up Next….

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