Hosted by:  Dr.  Jena Bradley,  Physical Therapist 

How to start postpartum abs exercises that take less than 2 minutes a day.

The 4 biggest myths when it comes to postpartum workouts and how to overcome them.

The Pyramid Method – the safest 1 week method for postpartum ab healing after you get clearance.

The #1 postpartum ab exercise (recommended by physical therapists).

Top 10 time management strategies to help you find time to work out and stay consistent as a busy mom.

Who is this for?

✔️   You are postpartum mom who is ready to finally get rid of your mommy tummy and improve your core strength in the quickest way possible.

✔️   If you have no idea how to begin strengthening your core after pregnancy and want to learn how to do it the right way, the safe way from a medical professional.

✔️   You had a vaginal birth or C-section and you want to repair your abs without increasing in pain.

✔️   You are a busy mom who is exhausted and doesn’t have time to work out.

If that’s you, then this FREE class is going to help!

Meet Dr. Jena Bradley

Jena Bradley
Hi I’m Dr. Jena but you can call me Jena. I’m a busy mama like you who loves taking care of my kids but equally loves to take care of my body. I only have one body so I need to make sure it lasts.

I have a goal to live to 100… so if I’m going to get there, I need to make sure I feel great while doing it.

I’m a physical therapist and I absolutely love what I do during my day job but my virtual job is teaching mamas like you how to incorporate healthy habits and fitness into your new role as a mom.

It doesn’t have to take a lot of time and it doesn’t have to make you exhausted. It really is the opposite. I teach quick workouts that are effective and make you feel energized and motivated in the end.

Confidence is what you’ll have after sticking around with me for a while. Confidence to live your life as a mom who loves her body and loves the person inside even more.

Let’s tackle this postpartum journey TOGETHER and come out winning so that your baby can ultimately win by following in your footsteps. 

These are the exact same techniques that 100’s of my POSTPARTUM clients use to regain their core strength.


Join this brief video training to gain access to these exact same techniques and find those abs real quick. 
