It’s Time To Say Good Bye To Your Postpartum Pooch

Get your flat tummy and confidence back in less than 10 minutes a day with Postpartum Abs Simplified!

Are you Sick and Tired Of Your Postpartum Pooch?


Wondering how to get rid of it?


Well, you came to the right place! 


Is this you?


you still look and feel pregnant but you’re not

strangers ask you “when are you due?” 😖

you feel so weak you barely have energy to hold your own baby 

you have no time to even feed yourself, let alone have time to work out 

you’re afraid and confused on how to even get started with postpartum workouts 

the exhaustion completely limits you from doing almost anything good for yourself 

you’re sick and tired of seeing the reflection in the mirror and feeling miserable in your own skin


Let me guess… That’s you.


You are not alone, mama!

 It’s completely normal to feel this busy, overwhelmed and stuck…

And the good news is:



I have a simple solution for you to get your pre-baby body back.

Hi! I’m Jena

and I once was in your shoes…

I had this false hope as a new mom…that my body would be normal after pregnancy. I was so wrong.

I thought that my body would naturally just bounce back into place the moment I finished giving birth. Baby comes out, and the body returns back to the way it used to be. Piece of cake…or so I thought.

I was sooo wrong. My body did not bounce back, rather it remained exactly the same as being 9 months pregnant, give or take a few pounds that went out with delivery (aka my baby and the afterbirth). My body still looked pregnant, I still felt pregnant and I WASN’T pregnant anymore. The worst feeling ever. Confidence shot.

What really boggled my mind was how little my doctors and nurses educated me on self care and postpartum recovery.

I was completely unaware of what a normal postpartum stomach should look and feel like. That being said, I needed to figure out a plan to feel like my normal self again.

I spent time researching and learning the right way to exercise my core now that I was a new mom. Incorporating my physical therapy background into my new research really helped me hone in on the perfect postpartum program. It worked, and I was shocked how quickly I was able to get my stomach to be flat again after just having a baby. Since I had such great success with my first pregnancy, I did the same program with the following 3 pregnancies. With each pregnancy I saw the same success.

Other moms asked me what I did for my postpartum workouts and how I got such a flat stomach after having so many babies. They noticed how quickly I was able to restore my core while they struggled for months upon months after they had their baby. That’s when I realized that there’s a lack of education for pregnant and postpartum moms when it comes to postpartum recovery.

I knew it was simple to get a flat belly after having a baby, and I knew what exercises are most effective at getting the job done. However, I didn’t know how many other moms were unaware.

I thought, “If only they knew what exercises to do, when to do them and how to execute the plan throughout the 4th trimester – then they would have the same success as me!”


I want you to have the same success that I had… So I created Postpartum abs simplified!



Easy. Simple. Safe.

and now my students are having the same success!

The Only Postpartum Ab Course Created By A Physical Therapist and Created Specifically For The Busy Mom With Little Time

I know there are plenty of postpartum fitness programs out there, but my program is specifically designed with the busy mom in mind… I was once where you are right now, a working mom of 4. My time was limited, and I know yours is too.

That’s why I created Postpartum Abs Simplified to be really simple for you.


Created By A Physical Therapist

I’m medically trained by the #1 ranked physical therapy school in the US, and have over 14 years of experience and ongoing training. My real life experiences of having 4 babies have allowed me to experiment with and refine the ultimate postpartum ab program.

Created Specifically For The Busy Mom

Whether you are a busy working mom, a busy mom of multiple kids or a busy mom of one, we can all agree the busy mom life takes a toll on us. But that’s not the way it has to be because this course is designed to give you energy, motivation, strategies and routines to help you make fitness an easy priority in the busy mom life you live. And I know your time is limited. That’s why this course was created to be simple…

Created To Be Quick And Easy

I know you don’t have the time to work out. You’re busy… working long hours, feedings, cleaning, laundry, cooking, the works. Time is precious and time is limited. This program gets your core fully restored in as little as 10 minutes a day. Not overwhelming — just straightforward, step-by-step action (and a whole lot of checkmarks on the calendar and goals being achieved).

Get ready to get your pre-baby body back.

It’s time to finally regain your strength and confidence as a mom.

Just imagine the look on your husband’s face! He’s thinking “woah girl, you’ve still got it.”

With this program you’ll finally be able to check off All Of the following:



✔️ Have a STRONG core, a flat belly and improved posture

✔️ Have ENERGY, motivation and a new found love for fitness

✔️ Have a closet full of clothes you LOVE (that fit and feel GREAT in)

✔️ Have confidence…let me say it again…CONFIDENCE!

✔️ Have a body that WORKS for you and not against you

✔️ And You’re happy = baby’s happy! (and husband’s happy)…The Trifecta!

now, slow your scroll for a sec…

Imagine what it would be like to confidently rock a strong core effortlessly embracing every moment of your postpartum mom life with energy and ease. 

Let’s take a look inside and see how you can get this done…

What’s included…

Module 1

Core Activation Unlocked

Getting started can be the hardest part. Knowing what to do and when to do it can be a whirlwind of emotions and unknowns.

Just having a medically trained professional tell you it’s going to be safe doing this specific exercise can make all the difference in a smooth start to postpartum ab healing.

Learn the anatomy of the core, understand the Pyramid Method and learn how to implement it properly for the quickest and easiest core recovery at the beginning stages of healing.

Module 2

Healthy Habits Hub

Habits are what make our life automatic, taking the thinking out of our day-to-day routine. Your mind may be like mush right now with lack of sleep and energy taking care of a newborn. But forming healthy habits can make recovery feel like everything is happening on auto pilot. And that’s that best feeling.

Learn my best strategies for easily forming healthy habits in the midst of chaos and feelings of being overwhelmed as you navigate motherhood with a newborn. We talk all things posture, sleep routines and so much more.

Module 3

Maintenance Mindset

Having a newborn in the house can make our minds feel stir crazy, but it doesn’t have to be that way. When your mind gets boggled down with all things child care, it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself. Self care is important and can’t be overlooked when it comes to your overall postpartum healing and the healing of your abs.

You’ll learn expert techniques for goal setting, have access to mom- specific mindset affirmations and get an indepth look into my super power: schedules and routines! This, this is what gives you more time. And you only need 10 minutes a day. I’ll make that happen for you.

Module 4

Weekly Workouts

This right here is the meat and potatoes of this course. You want easy-to-follow workouts that take the thinking out of it all? You’ve got it. Pretend like you have your own personal Physical Therapist right inside your home giving you a private lesson.

Just follow along with my full workout videos each day of the workout program. I’ll tell you exactly what to do. Get your calendar ready, your yoga mat rolled out and follow along as I work out alongside you. Just 10 minutes or less a day for each workout. So worth every minute of it.

Module 5

C-sections and Postpartum Belly Wraps

Ab Acceleration

I don’t leave you hanging. This is not just a beginner’s program but also an accelerated program. I take you from beginner to advanced by the time 10 weeks is over. I know how to start things off slowly,  but then I ramp it up, just like I do with my patients when it comes to physical therapy. My goal is to have you achieve your goal (aka: strong abs) in as little time possible because I know time is limited.

Learn my advanced ab exercises and accelerate quickly through the final module which will ultimately lead you to having full clearance to do any ab workout imaginable. Get those skinny jeans ready because you’re about to be blown away.

What you’ll get…

  Dr. Jena Bradley’s Postpartum Abs Simplified:

 10 Week Postpartum Abs Simplified Course Curriculum, $1500 value

Transformative Core Strengthening Program, $275 value

Mindset and Motivation Mastery, $75 value

The Healthy Habits & Hacks Hub, $57 value

The Pyramid Method Unlocked, $95 value

Mommy Time Management Strategies, $47 value

Strategic Goal Setting, Implementation & Accountability $47 value

Ab Accelerator Unleashed , $200 value


And you can get started NOW for just $397 $297!

On top of all that you’ll receive these other bonuses worth over $1500

Let’s dive into your bonuses:

Private Facebook Community

Value $1500

Unlimited access to our Private Facebook Community of new moms who are motivated and committed to prioritizing their health and fitness goals just like you.

Printable Workbook 

Value $97

Easily follow along in the workbook as you move through each lesson in the course. The workbook serves as a quick reference guide every step of the way.

Workout Calendar

Value $57

Simply keep track of your workouts on your calendar, track progress and see if you are meeting your goals each and every week along your postpartum journey.

Daily Affirmations

Value $57

Stay motivated by using these daily affirmations that serve as a great reminder of who you are as a strong and determined mom.  These words are powerful.

Are you ready for this?


4 Payments of $77

Choose this accessible payment plan option and receive lifetime access to:


  •  10 week Postpartum Abs Simplified course curriculum
  • Transformative Core Strengthening Program
  • Ab Anatomy Made Easy
  • The 6 Week Postpartum Wait
  • Posture And Core Corrective
  • Sleep Schedules Simplified
  • Mindset & Motivation Mastery
  • The Healthy Habits & Hacks Hub
  • The Pyramid Method Unlocked
  • Mommy Time Management Strategies
  • Strategic Goal Setting, Implementation and Accountability For Lifelong Commitment
  • LIFETIME access to the course and all future upgrades for free!
Plus The FULL Bonus Pack
Worth over $1500

  • Private Student Facebook Community 
  • PAS Workbook
  • Customizable Workout Calendar
  • Daily Affirmations

**PLUS THE SPECIAL BONUSES (worth over $150)

  • Weekly Personal Accountability Email Check-Ins  $127 value


  • The Ultimate Total Body Workout $97 value
  • Restore Your Pelvic Floor Mini Course $127 value

4 Payments

Easy To Manage Payment Plan




1 Payment of $397 $297

Choose this simple one-time payment option and receive lifetime access to:


  •  10 week Postpartum Abs Simplified course curriculum
  • Transformative Core Strengthening Program
  • Ab Anatomy Made Easy
  • The 6 Week Postpartum Wait
  • Posture And Core Corrective
  • Sleep Schedules Simplified
  • Mindset & Motivation Mastery
  • The Healthy Habits & Hacks Hub
  • The Pyramid Method Unlocked
  • Mommy Time Management Strategies
  • Strategic Goal Setting, Implementation and Accountability For Lifelong Commitment
  • LIFETIME access to the course and all future upgrades for free!
Plus The FULL Bonus Pack
Worth over $1500

  • Private Student Facebook Community 
  • PAS Workbook
  • Customizable Workout Calendar
  • Daily Affirmations

**PLUS THE SPECIAL BONUSES (worth over $400)

  • Weekly Personal Accountability Email Check-Ins  $127 value
  • The Ultimate Total Body Workout $97 value
  • Restore Your Pelvic Floor Mini Course $127 value

1 Time Payment

FLASH SALE Bonus Pack Included


$397 $297


1 Payment of $597 $497

Get everything from the pay-in-full option (including the pay-in-full bonuses)…
Plus choose the VIP “extra” at checkout to receive:
  •  Voxer access to Dr. Jena during office hours for high impact communication, commitment and accountability
When you join the program, you gain direct access to Dr. Jena, a physical therapist who is dedicated and committed to you having success at completing the course. With Voxer, a cutting-edge messaging app, you’ll have Dr. Jena’s support and expertise right at your fingertips.

Dr. Jena will be your accountability champion, motivating you to stay on track, cheering you on through every step of your fitness journey, and ensuring you never feel alone in your pursuit of postpartum wellness.

Have burning questions, need form corrections, or seeking expert advice? Dr. Jena is just a message away. With Voxer, you’ll receive timely responses to your questions to ensure you’re always moving forward towards reaching your goals.

**PLUS THE SPECIAL BONUSES (worth over $400)

  • Weekly Personal Accountability Email Check-Ins  $127 value
  • The Ultimate Total Body Workout $97 value
  • Restore Your Pelvic Floor Mini Course $127 value

    To add this VIP option, toggle the button at checkout

    1 Time Payment




    $597 $497

    You saw that right!

    When joining the program, you automatically qualify for a $50 course completion cash prize. How does it work?

    1. Complete the entire course (10 weeks)
    2. Submit a written testimonial+photo and/or send a video of yourself sharing your wins
    3. That’s it! Easy.

    You’ll get the $50 refund for your commitment. This is a great way to stay accountable to the program and come out with your goals crushed and your confidence high. Who doesn’t love a cash bonus prize?!!! Can you tell I really want to help you get your abs back and your core strong?! You’ve got this mama!

    *terms and conditions: course completion cash prize of $50 is available for 45 days after the end of the 10 weeks from the time you purchased the course. 

    Plus we won’t stop there!

    We will help you stay accountable by having weekly follow-up check-ins to help you reach your postpartum health goals. Research shows that those who have an accountability partner are 65% more likely to reach their goals. The proof is in the science, and that’s why I so strongly believe in accountability.


    Oh, and don’t forget about the Pelvic Floor Mini Course (valued at over $125) that is a game changer when it comes to pelvic floor recovery. Plus you get The Ultimate Total Body Workout! So many goodies inside this special!
    Jena Bradley


    Here’s how it works

    As soon as you enroll, you’ll be sent a welcome email with instructions on how to log in to the course.

    Then, everything is yours & you can get started right away!

    You’ll be invited to join our private Facebook community where you’ll meet me and past students of PAS (the motivated mama’s who have been where you are right now).

    From there, you’ll get started with the first module, print off the workout book and calendar to help you stay the course. It’s super simple and easy to follow along to. Can’t wait to meet you inside the private Facebook community! -Jena

    And in case you’re wondering how Postpartum Abs Simplified stacks up to those other programs out there…

    Other Programs

    ❌ Overwhelming and complex course material that makes you not even want to start because you don’t even know where to start. 

    ❌ Offer little or no support when you need a question answered. Or the question returns with a generic answer and doesn’t feel like you were actually being talked to by a real person.

    ❌ You never actually get support from the course founder but get answers from support staff.

    Have Limited-Time Access to course content and community—which means after a few months, you’re on your own

    ❌ Assumes you already have your schedule in order and your are sleeping like a champ, so exercise fits easily into your day

    Include Complicated Guarantees that require you to submit your coursework or hop on a call to get your money back. *Eyeroll*

    Postpartum Abs Simplified:

    ✅ Say goodbye to overwhelming and complex course material that leaves you unsure of where to even begin. PAS gives you an exact road map and breaks it down to be super simple.

    ✅ Receive unparalleled support from a real person, me, Dr. Jena, who genuinely cares about answering your questions and guiding you every step of the way.

    ✅  Enjoy Life-Time access to our course content and community, ensuring you’re never left to navigate your postpartum journey alone. Plan on having more babies? Great! You’ll still have access.

    ✅ My program understands the realities of your busy schedule and sleepless nights, making it flexible and adaptable to fit easily into your day.

    ✅ Forget the complicated guarantees that require tedious coursework submissions or lengthy calls to get your money back. I keep things simple and hassle-free, with no questions asked.

    Plus…my postpartum ab workout program can be tailored to your specific needs, ensuring a safe and effective experience for you. That’s the beauty of having a direct line of communication with me, the course founder.

    I make this super simple for you. So simple that you’ll end having extra time at the end of your workout to get a nice long warm shower. (I know those are rare these days).

     So, are you ready to start feeling AMAZING in your postpartum body?


    Are you ready to say bye to your pooch and discover a healthier, happier you?

    choose your payment option:

    4 Payments

    Easy To Manage Payment Plan



    1 Time Payment

    SPECIAL SALE Bonus Pack Included


    $397 $297

    1 Time Payment




    $597 $497


    Did I mention it’s 100% Risk-Free!

    The Postpartum Abs Simplified NO-HASSLE GUARANTEE


    Postpartum Abs Simplified comes with a 7-day money back guarantee…but we don’t stop there. We promise you will see your mommy tummy transform and be restored after having a baby. Your friends will be asking you how you did it so quickly after just having a baby and won’t believe how strong you have become as a new mom who just completed Postpartum Abs Simplified. There’s a good reason Dr. Jena is known as one of the most compassionate and committed fitness mom coaches around. 

    Here’s a note from Dr. Jena herself,I take your postpartum recovery seriously, and I truly believe that you have everything it takes to fully restore your core after having a new baby. I am on a mission to give you the clarity, knowledge, tools and confidence you need to strengthen your core and get your pre-pregnancy body back. I believe in my program so much, I guarantee it.”

    If you are not satisfied, we would not feel right keeping your money. And to be clear, there are no strings attached, no forms to fill out, nothing to prove. If you request a refund within 7 days of purchase, your refund will be granted.


    Gentle warning #1: This program only works if you work.
    Gentle warning #2: Everyone’s success is different and is based off the effort you put into the program.
    Gentle warning #3: Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC are not liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.


    Dr. Jena Bradley, DPT

    Dr. Jena Bradley is a full time mom and physical therapist who runs a pregnancy and postpartum health and fitness blog, Live Core Strong. Through her blog, Dr. Jena has successfully blended two facets of her life, motherhood and physical therapy, to create a helpful resource for the next generation of health-minded moms. Her medical background and experience as a mom give her a strong platform to share real life knowledge with her followers.

    In 2009 Dr. Jena graduated with a doctorate from the #1 ranked physical therapy school at The University of Pittsburgh. Shortly thereafter, she became a wife and mother. Currently she lives in the Pittsburgh area where she raises four beautiful, little girls with her husband, Darren.

    Dr. Jena is a faithful servant of God and is active in the Women’s and Children’s Ministry at her church. She loves chocolate and will always choose hot chocolate over a cup of coffee. Spending meaningful time outdoors with her family is what brings her the most joy in life.

    How good would it feel to have your pre-pregnancy body back in 70 days, your core fully restored and your abs strong again in less than 10 minutes a day?


    I know right now it feels unachievable and sounds too good to be true?

    But it’s not.


    This could be you. 

    Would you rather look down and still see the mommy pooch a year from now, still look pregnant when you’re not, and keep living with the excess baggage that your body was not meant to ever have?


    would you rather

    👉 have your confidence back and feel amazing in your own skin NOW?

    👉 have more energy to take care of your baby?

    👉 lose the postpartum pooch quickly and easily, never having to worry about it again?


    It just takes 10 minutes a day, and in only a few weeks your mommy tummy could be gone, for good!

    So, are you in?



    Are you ready to finally get your body back?


    4 Payments of $77

    Choose this accessible payment plan option and receive lifetime access to:


    •  10 week Postpartum Abs Simplified course curriculum
    • Transformative Core Strengthening Program
    • Ab Anatomy Made Easy
    • The 6 Week Postpartum Wait
    • Posture And Core Corrective
    • Sleep Schedules Simplified
    • Mindset & Motivation Mastery
    • The Healthy Habits & Hacks Hub
    • The Pyramid Method Unlocked
    • Mommy Time Management Strategies
    • Strategic Goal Setting, Implementation and Accountability For Lifelong Commitment
    • LIFETIME access to the course and all future upgrades for free!
    Plus The FULL Bonus Pack
    Worth over $1500

    • Private Student Facebook Community 
    • PAS Workbook
    • Customizable Workout Calendar
    • Daily Affirmations

    **PLUS THE SPECIAL BONUSES (worth over $150)

    • Weekly Personal Accountability Email Check-Ins  $127 value


    • The Ultimate Total Body Workout $97 value
    • Restore Your Pelvic Floor Mini Course $127 value

    4 Payments

    Easy To Manage Payment Plan




    1 Payment of $397 $297

    Choose this simple one-time payment option and receive lifetime access to:


    •  10 week Postpartum Abs Simplified course curriculum
    • Transformative Core Strengthening Program
    • Ab Anatomy Made Easy
    • The 6 Week Postpartum Wait
    • Posture And Core Corrective
    • Sleep Schedules Simplified
    • Mindset & Motivation Mastery
    • The Healthy Habits & Hacks Hub
    • The Pyramid Method Unlocked
    • Mommy Time Management Strategies
    • Strategic Goal Setting, Implementation and Accountability For Lifelong Commitment
    • LIFETIME access to the course and all future upgrades for free!
    Plus The FULL Bonus Pack
    Worth over $1500

    • Private Student Facebook Community 
    • PAS Workbook
    • Customizable Workout Calendar
    • Daily Affirmations

    **PLUS THE SPECIAL BONUSES (worth over $400)

    • Weekly Personal Accountability Email Check-Ins  $127 value
    • The Ultimate Total Body Workout $97 value
    • Restore Your Pelvic Floor Mini Course $127 value

    1 Time Payment

    FLASH SALE Bonus Pack Included


    $397 $297


    1 Payment of $597 $497

    Get everything from the pay-in-full option (including the pay-in-full bonuses)…
    Plus choose the VIP “extra” at checkout to receive:
    •  Voxer access to Dr. Jena during office hours for high impact communication, commitment and accountability
    When you join the program, you gain direct access to Dr. Jena, a physical therapist who is dedicated and committed to you having success at completing the course. With Voxer, a cutting-edge messaging app, you’ll have Dr. Jena’s support and expertise right at your fingertips.

    Dr. Jena will be your accountability champion, motivating you to stay on track, cheering you on through every step of your fitness journey, and ensuring you never feel alone in your pursuit of postpartum wellness.

    Have burning questions, need form corrections, or seeking expert advice? Dr. Jena is just a message away. With Voxer, you’ll receive timely responses to your questions to ensure you’re always moving forward towards reaching your goals.

    **PLUS THE SPECIAL BONUSES (worth over $400)

    • Weekly Personal Accountability Email Check-Ins  $127 value
    • The Ultimate Total Body Workout $97 value
    • Restore Your Pelvic Floor Mini Course $127 value

      To add this VIP option, toggle the button at checkout

      1 Time Payment




      $597 $497

      Part of taking care of your baby is taking care of you.

      If you are thinking… “Yes, this is exactly what I need to get my body back“…then I can’t wait to see you inside the program!



      4 Payments of $77

      Choose this accessible payment plan option and receive lifetime access to:


      •  10 week Postpartum Abs Simplified course curriculum
      • Transformative Core Strengthening Program
      • Ab Anatomy Made Easy
      • The 6 Week Postpartum Wait
      • Posture And Core Corrective
      • Sleep Schedules Simplified
      • Mindset & Motivation Mastery
      • The Healthy Habits & Hacks Hub
      • The Pyramid Method Unlocked
      • Mommy Time Management Strategies
      • Strategic Goal Setting, Implementation and Accountability For Lifelong Commitment
      • LIFETIME access to the course and all future upgrades for free!
      Plus The FULL Bonus Pack
      Worth over $1500

      • Private Student Facebook Community 
      • PAS Workbook
      • Customizable Workout Calendar
      • Daily Affirmations

      **PLUS THE SPECIAL BONUSES (worth over $150)

      • Weekly Personal Accountability Email Check-Ins  $127 value


      • The Ultimate Total Body Workout $97 value
      • Restore Your Pelvic Floor Mini Course $127 value

      4 Payments

      Easy To Manage Payment Plan




      1 Payment of $397 $297

      Choose this simple one-time payment option and receive lifetime access to:


      •  10 week Postpartum Abs Simplified course curriculum
      • Transformative Core Strengthening Program
      • Ab Anatomy Made Easy
      • The 6 Week Postpartum Wait
      • Posture And Core Corrective
      • Sleep Schedules Simplified
      • Mindset & Motivation Mastery
      • The Healthy Habits & Hacks Hub
      • The Pyramid Method Unlocked
      • Mommy Time Management Strategies
      • Strategic Goal Setting, Implementation and Accountability For Lifelong Commitment
      • LIFETIME access to the course and all future upgrades for free!
      Plus The FULL Bonus Pack
      Worth over $1500

      • Private Student Facebook Community 
      • PAS Workbook
      • Customizable Workout Calendar
      • Daily Affirmations

      **PLUS THE SPECIAL BONUSES (worth over $400)

      • Weekly Personal Accountability Email Check-Ins  $127 value
      • The Ultimate Total Body Workout $97 value
      • Restore Your Pelvic Floor Mini Course $127 value

      1 Time Payment

      FLASH SALE Bonus Pack Included


      $397 $297


      1 Payment of $597 $497

      Get everything from the pay-in-full option (including the pay-in-full bonuses)…
      Plus choose the VIP “extra” at checkout to receive:
      •  Voxer access to Dr. Jena during office hours for high impact communication, commitment and accountability
      When you join the program, you gain direct access to Dr. Jena, a physical therapist who is dedicated and committed to you having success at completing the course. With Voxer, a cutting-edge messaging app, you’ll have Dr. Jena’s support and expertise right at your fingertips.

      Dr. Jena will be your accountability champion, motivating you to stay on track, cheering you on through every step of your fitness journey, and ensuring you never feel alone in your pursuit of postpartum wellness.

      Have burning questions, need form corrections, or seeking expert advice? Dr. Jena is just a message away. With Voxer, you’ll receive timely responses to your questions to ensure you’re always moving forward towards reaching your goals.

      **PLUS THE SPECIAL BONUSES (worth over $400)

      • Weekly Personal Accountability Email Check-Ins  $127 value
      • The Ultimate Total Body Workout $97 value
      • Restore Your Pelvic Floor Mini Course $127 value

        To add this VIP option, toggle the button at checkout

        1 Time Payment

        VIP STATUS



        $597 $497


        Revive Your Core, Reignite Your Confidence! Join our Postpartum Ab Revolution!

        If you have been in my world for even just a second you know I’m all about motivating mamas to live their best life, their healthiest life, but I’m about to drop some sisterly love on you right now.

        The number one thing that holds mamas back from starting something new is fear.

        Fear of failure and not completing something all the way to the end.

        Fear of exhaustion and constant chaos

        Fear of not being able to commit

        And if you’re reading this wondering if you can “actually” pull this off – if you can actually commit to a workout program, become stronger, have confidence and experience more joy in your life…

        you are not alone.

        I know because that used to be me. And through the struggles of having 4 babies I was able to overcome my fears and conquer my goals coming out with a strong core as a mama of 4.

        I’m going to take this moment to tell you something that I know is true.

        You CAN do this.

        The life you want, the one where you can easily slip into your favorite jeans and look yourself in the mirror feeling proud of your strong body.

        The life full of energy and excitement to chase your children around as they grow.

        The life where you absolutely love the way you feel, the way you look and the way your husband looks at you.

        That life is possible.

        And you are closer to it than ever before.

        I mean this from the bottom of my heart…I truly believe in you.

        And I created Postpartum Abs Simplified to help you slay your fitness goals, get those abs of steel, and have that confidence you’ve been missing for so long.

        Now, if you’re still with me, it’s time for a little tough love …come on and let’s crank up the heat. It’s time to move.

        Get on in here and let’s get to work!

        Can’t wait to see you inside!


        Is it safe to start a workout program after giving birth

        Yes, definitely get started sooner rather than later. Now that doesn’t mean start with the exercises, it means start with the course content that will help with mindset, motivation and routines. There is plenty of material for your to learn that does not included workouts. Once you are cleared by your doctor to workout, then you can dive into the workout portion of the course curriculum.

        How much time do I need to commit to the workouts each day?

        The beauty of this program is that it is designed with busy moms in mind! Each lesson takes less than 10 minutes a day and can be designed around your life!  The self-paced, customizable format accommodates to your unique preferences, lifestyle and schedule. If you miss a lesson one day…no need to worry. Start up where you left off the next day. Remember, you have lifetime access.

        What if I had a C-section or complications during childbirth. Can I still participate?

        Yes you can! I highly recommend that you get your doctor’s approval if you recently had a C-section. I would love to chat with your more about your C-section recovery in detail on a coaching call so we can specicially map out the pogram to fit your needs. 

        I have Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation). Is it safe to do this program and can it help?

        First, I recommend that you go see a physical therapist in person for optimal treatment. But if you suspect you have Diastasis Recti, this program can surely help with a few modifications that can be disussed in the Private Facebook Community, through emails or during coaching calls.  

        How do payments work?

        You have three payment options.

        The first payment option is a split pay plan in which you will pay 4 payments. Your account will automatically be billed the 3 succeeding payments 2 weeks after receiving the first payment upon purchase.

        The second payment option is pay in full in which you receive everything included in the package plus bonuses.

        The third payment option is the VIP Bonus Option in which you pay in full, get all the bonuses plus Voxer access to Dr. Jena during her office hours. 

        Will the program work for me?

        This program is actually designed for any postpartum mom, whether you are 1 day postpartum or 1 year postpartum. Even if you are 10 years postpartum, the exercises still work! 

        And if you are pregnant, I recommend enrolling in your 3rd trimester to get a jump start on what’s to come. You get lifetime access so you can always save the material for later.

        And if time is the biggest concern, no worries. This program is called Simplified for a reason. It’s simple, easy and takes less than 10 minutes a day. Work out at your own pace, I’ll help keep you accountable. 

        Do you offer a guarantee?
        Absolutely! If you request a refund within 7 days,  we will gladly do so! We are confident that you will see the results you are hoping for but want you to feel like you aren’t “stuck” in any way! You’ve literally got nothing to lose by giving it a shot! 
        How long is the program and what kind of results can I expect?

        The program is 10 weeks long (70 days) and you have lifetime access to the course material. So even if you go on vacation for one week, you can return back to the course right where you left off without skipping a beat. Your results are dependant on how committed you are. Expect to have your pre-pregnancy body back and a strong core after completing the workout program while following a healthy diet. 

        Why should I join the course now?

        While it’s never too late to get on top of your health, the LONGER you wait the HARDER it can be to see the results you want. By strengthening your core quickly and developing healthy habits early in motherhood, you will see how your health and fitness has a way of effortlessly coming back to you. Plus, imagine not having to wait another week to start feeling healthy and confident in your body. The sooner you give yourself the gift of self care, the sooner it starts creating a ripple effect into all the areas of your life!  

        Is there nutritional guidance included in this program?

        While my expertise and focus lie primarily in the fitness aspect of postpartum recovery, I don’t currently offer a specific nutritional component in this course. My goal is to provide exceptional guidance and support in the realm of fitness, helping you regain core strength and tone your abs. 

        What happens if I can't complete the program within the specific timeframe ?

        No sweat! Lifetime access allows you to go through the course at your own pace. You’ll still get access to all the material no matter how long it takes. And you’ll even have access to the course if you have more babies down the road. But if you are really motivated to get that $50 course completion cash prize, you’ll want to complete the course within the 10 week timeframe. This is to help encourage you to stay accountable and committed!

        What are the next steps I need to take?

        Once you click “Enroll Now” and submit your payment, you will receive an email shortly after with all the details you need to access the material in the course dashboard. You’ll gain complete and lifetime access to all the resources!